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Human Rights Online Library

Human Rights Online Library
By starting up the "Human Rights Online Library," we aim to create the most comprehensive database in this field. We endeavour to file all human rights treaties and instruments available in Persian in a well-stocked library.
"Human Rights Online Library":
belongs to all speakers and activists of the Persian language worldwide;
is open to all and serves the supreme goal of improving the situation of human rights;
collects documents and items from all publishers;
offers books and documents to everybody and receives from all.
We have collected the presently available documents and material from different websites and we have tried to indicate the Persian-language sources as well as the original sources of the documents to enable the enthusiastic reader familiar with another language to refer to the originals. This is in particular important, because we have come across discrepancies and mistakes in some of the Persian translations, but we have preferred to publish those texts, given the present lack of possibility to offer a better text. In some instances, we have provided more than one translation from an instrument or a treaty. We cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the translations.
The documents are presented in three categories:
1. Statements and multimedia;
2. International instruments;
3. Articles and reports
We call on all Persian-language human rights groups, researchers, translators and activists to help us expand this library by sending us human rights instruments and Internet links, pointing out the problems are, and offering guidance.
E-mail: ketabkhaneh.hr@openasia.org