Source: JDSupra

We live in a multipolar world, where development and investment

alike require reliable mechanisms for conflict resolution—to confront past problems and neutrally resolve future disputes.

Latin America is a vibrant participant in the multipolar world. In the two decades since a wave of economic and policy changes swept the region, most Latin American countries have embraced and even pioneered new international dispute mechanisms.

International dispute systems matter for Latin America. The systems used to address conflict and resolve controversies, both internally and internationally, drive development, investment, stability, security and peace. They reflect an era of advocates and tribunals, focused on the future.

At the same time, most Latin American countries have created systems for confronting the past, with enhanced transparency and examination of alleged prior abuses. The common mandate of these commissions: truth and reconciliation.

Collaborating with the Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice, White & Case undertook a comparative study of truth and reconciliation processes in five Latin American countries. The project was originated to provide analysis relevant to the Brazilian National Truth Commission and established to investigate human rights issues related to the 1964 – 1985 military regime in Brazil…

Please see full article below for more information.

Download full Report: LA Truth Commissions

