38 Unveiled Voices from Afghanistan
A selection of interviews from
“Unveiling Afghanistan: the Unheard Voices of Progress” Campaign
Interviewers: Jawad Darwaziyan, Atiq Arvand, Zahra Yegana
Translation into English: Khalil Rostamkhani
Editing: Laura Grant
Photo editing: Matthieu Hackière
Layout: Rooholamin Amini
Let’s Break the silence Series
Publisher: Armanshahr
First edition: 2016
Print-run: 1,000 copies

Editors’ Note

The present book is a collection of 38 interviews drawn from “Unveiling Afghanistan, the Voices of Progress” Campaign that was launched in mid 2013 by Armanshahr in a 50 day count down to the third round of Presidential election in Afghanistan and profited from the support of the FIDH.
The campaign sought to record views and opinions of more than 100 political, social and cultural dignitaries of Afghanistan who have played a role in shaping and influencing what is known as the unofficial history of Afghanistan. All the interviews were intertwined with human rights and women’s issues. The questions began with a biography and developed to human rights and subsequently women’s issues. The final questions were concerned with the personal aspects of involvement and commitment to human rights.
The interviews were serially published in Dari and English in Afghanistan’s 8 Sobh daily, websites of FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights), Armanshahr and the US newspaper the Huffington Post and various social networks. Also a selection of long interviews were published on Armanshahr YOUTUBE Channel. Documentary film entitled “Afghanistan; Unveiling a Never-Ending Tale” directed by Diana Saqeb has been produced by Armanshahr, marking with this publication, the end of the Campaign.

