
Over the next three months, the countries belonging to the Organization of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) will carry out the first stage of strengthening Tajikistan’s border with neighboring Afghanistan. This information told reporters CSTO Secretary General Nikolai Bordyuzha, who in his remarks at a press conference organized in the format of a video bridge, gave some details about the procedure itself. According to him, in the three months members of the organization in Tajikistan direct military assistance, which is most in demand by armed forces and border guards of the State.

“First of all we are talking about weapons, ammunition, equipment, optical devices and other special vehicles. All of this is crucial for the border guards that would organize the most effective protection of the state border, “- said N.Bordyuzha.

As for the second phase, to his knowledge, there will be taken to implement the program of creating a single integrated infrastructure of the southern section of the Tajik border. This will also be participating countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

“Here we go alone to the more substantial investments, because we need to buy a variety of armored vehicles, motor vehicles, install special equipment for the protection of the state border – electrical and electronic alarm systems, etc. In some cases, in fact it will be necessary to build new outposts, “- said the OSCE Secretary General.

He also noted that although most of the load on the arrangement of the border with Afghanistan came in Tajikistan, but the rest of the countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, can not stay away from this process. “We must proceed from the fact that the Tajik-Afghan border is the border of the entire community that defines our common security. Therefore, we must all help to Tajikistan “- stated Bordyuzha.