Human Rights week 2016

3-day Morning workshops hold from 4-6 December 2016 at the university of Gowharshad University with the participant of 35 Young women and men (21 women and 14 men), they include human rights and children’s rights activists and  B.A. level students).

Two experienced trainers: Mr. Mohammad Hasrat (Researcher, researcher of UNICEF reports on Children) and Mr. Hussein Nassrat (UNAMA head of Children’s affairs) taught and reviewed the following subjects in a participatory manner:

  • Convention on the rights of the children
  • Children’s  Act in Afghan Laws
  • Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict
  • Children protection under international humanitarian law
  • Children and armed conflict (national and international laws)


During the main subjects following questions discussed with the group: Child Soldiers, Child Marriage, Child Labor and Street Child, Guardianship, Right to Education, Juvenile prisons.


The trainees received several pertinent publications and materials each and at the last day of the workshop each trainee received a certificate.

List of Participants in these sessions and some photos are attached to this short report