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3rd Simorgh Peace Prize

Эъломияи матбуотии сеюмин даври ҷоизаи байналмилалии “Сулҳи Симурғ”

Бунёди “Ормоншаҳр/OPEN ASIA” ифтихор дорад, ки барандагони сеюмин даври ҷоизаи байналмилалии “Сулҳи Симурғ”-ро тайи маросими бошукӯҳе, ки дар шаҳри Кобул баргузор шуд, эълом намояд.

Wednesday، 17 December، 2014

Press release: 3rd International Simorgh Peace Prize awards

Kabul -Today, Armanshahr Foundation/OPEN ASIA announced the recipients of the 3rd International Simorgh Peace Prize awards. In the 3rd Festival, works of musicians in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Iran were appreciated. The following artists are the recipients of the azure statute of Simorgh Peace Prize.

Wednesday، 10 December، 2014

Call to musicians for submission of works to the 3rd Simorgh Peace Prize

Call to musicians for submission of works to the 3rd Simorgh Peace Prize

Tuesday، 7 May، 2013