Montly Archive August 2018
Sakhalin: “On the Edge”, a festival at the end of the world

The 8th edition of Sakhalin, in Russia “On the edge” film festival, takes place from 24 to 31 August in a very remote island. 40Braids’ exclusive interview with Alexei Medvedev, artistic director of the festival.
Friday، 24 August، 2018First Comes Love, Then Comes What Exactly?

Two new books — “Leftover in China” and “The Heart Is a Shifting Sea” — look to China and India, respectively, to assess how marriage withstands breakneck economic growth, social change and the increasing financial independence of women.
Thursday، 23 August، 2018Pourquoi Tachkent entre à nouveau dans le jeu afghan ?

NOVASTAN Novastan reprend et traduit un article initialement publié par le média kazakh en ligne, Le 12 août dernier, une délégation des Talibans est venue discuter à Tachkent sur l’invitation des autorités ouzbèkes. Un évènement […]
Thursday، 23 August، 2018Film tracks first Afghan woman to seek justice over incest

Reuters – NEW DELHI, June 18 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Beaten up, raped and repeatedly impregnated by her father for more than a decade – a young woman’s fight for justice in the face of threats, oppression […]
Thursday، 23 August، 2018Research Working Paper – Women’s Victimization in Transitional Justice and their Fight for Democracy and Human Rights: The Story of Taiwan

Human Rights Program – Harvard Law School Women’s Victimization in Transitional Justice and their Fight for Democracy and Human Rights: The Story of Taiwan By Yi-Li Lee Research Working Paper Series March 2018 Women, even […]
Thursday، 23 August، 2018Bangladesh: Rohingya rape survivors battle stigma

In a community that considers victims of sexual violence a disgrace, women are left alone to suffer.
Thursday، 16 August، 2018