This study was conducted by France terre d’Asile between November 2017 and March 2018 in France.

This study has established a typology of the violence women residing in France may face, as well as the risk factors that can make them more vulnerable to violence and the factors that make it complicated to prevent and protect
them from violence.

The research also highlighted the absence of systematic gender-based violence training for professionals, an issue which was also identified by the High Gender Equality Council. The absence of training, coupled with the systematic
lack of consideration of the issue, translates to an “invisibility” of the violence suffered by asylum-seeker and refugee women residing in France.

This study also highlighted the importance of building a social and community network to enable women find alternative housing or extra income and to protect them against social isolation, which can represent both risk factors and consequences of violence.

Read a summary report in English.

Read the full study in French.