Politis asia Journal
Politis asia: Language and Identity in the Heart of Asia (Vols. 18-19)

This special issue of Politis asia includes nine original articles and interviews from specialists from Afghanistan, Iran and Tajikistan discussing the isssues of cultural identity and nation-building.
Saturday 11 July 2015Politis asia 16-17 published: EU Guidelines – Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law

EU HR Guidelines published or the first time in Persian. Including Death Penalty; Torture, HR dialogues with third countries; Children & armed conflict; HR Defenders; Protection of the Rights of the Child; VAW, International Humanitarian Law.
Friday 13 September 2013Politis Asia NO 12 – 13 Prison, Prisoners and Human Rights

Politis asia is a journal of high quality & original thinking on contemporary issues. A unique space for intellectual production, it endeavours to influence political and intellectual elite& enable citizens to make informed choices. Read Special issue on Prison, Prisoners and Human Rights.
Saturday 6 July 2013