This manual is based on a Training of Trainers workshop “Nominating for Change: Strengthening Women’s Position in Political Parties” delivered in Jakarta, Indonesia in March 2003. The workshop was conceived as part of NDI Indonesia Women’s Program support for the Indonesian Political Women’s Caucus (KPPI: Kaukus Perempuan Politik
Indonesia), a cross-party national organization that NDI has been working with since its inception. Both the upcoming national election in 2004 and the legislative push to have a 30% quota of women nominated by their respective parties presented opportunities for women to increase their political presence within parties. A total of 22 members of KPPI were invited to participate in the workshop, with 11 participants representing KPPI regional branches and 11 coming from KPPI headquarters.

One of the main criteria for their selection was participants’ preparedness to deliver at least one follow-up workshop in their respective regions based on the material learned. To facilitate logistical and programmatic communication/relationships between KPPI headquarters and their branches, each regional representative was paired with one person from the headquarters in advance of the Training of Trainers. Consequently, the workshop could take advantage of this in sessions related to planning the follow-up workshops on Day Four. To date, almost all of the follow-up workshops have been implemented with a total of around 600 participants.

After the Training of Trainers workshop, NDI felt that the material might be useful for other NDI offices. It is hoped that this manual will support other programs, which promote women’s political participation – through the nomination process or otherwise. Although it is presented as a complete Training of Trainers workshop, there may be other ways that the material can be used and adapted. Please see the How To Use This Manual section for some suggestions of how else it can be used.