Citizens and Democracy
Seven new Armanshahr publications for Persian readers

Good news for our Persian readers! 2020-21 has been LABORIOUS for Armanshahr|OPEN ASIA. Seven new & free to download books ranging from Feminism, Sexual and Gender Based Violence to Literature notably three books by RIP Master Rahnaward Zaryab, the great Afghanistan writer.
Monday 18 January 2021OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr supports the HEY Campaign: A global call for youth-led advocacy on climate change & health in Afghanistan and Tajikistan

The Healthy and Environment-friendly Youth (HEY) Campaign is all about creating a generation of young people committed to adopting lifestyles that are both healthy and environmentally friendly, and leading global advocacy efforts to build inclusive societies where priority is given to life and dignity, not just economic growth. Our agenda is to create a movement bringing all of our youth and children together, in their diversity..
Thursday 2 July 2020New Book: 38 Unveiled Voices from Afghanistan

The present book is a collection of 38 interviews drawn from “Unveiling Afghanistan, the Voices of Progress” Campaign that was launched in mid 2013 by Armanshahr in a 50 day count down to the third round of Presidential election in Afghanistan and profited from the support of the FIDH.
Wednesday 4 January 2017118-119th Goftegu Public Debate, Armanshahr’s Celebration: 118 Goftegus and 100,000 published books – Report

Mr Rooholamin Amini (Deputy director of Armanshahr Foundation), moderator of Armanshahr’s 118th Goftegu public debate that was held on 3 July 2013, presented a report on the activities of Armanshahr in the past seven years as follows.
Saturday 17 August 201388th Goftegu Public Debate: Justice and Rights: One decade of experience and planning for the future

Invitation to 88th Goftegu Public Debate: Justice and Rights: One decade of experience and planning for the future
Monday 12 August 2013Seven Years and One Hundred and One Armanshahr Public Debates GOFTEGU

See the colorful Album of Seven Years and One Hundred and One Armanshahr Public Debates
Tuesday 9 July 201326th Goftegu Public Debate: The Frontiers Between Freedom of Expression and Civic Responsibility

Invitation for the 26th Goftegu Public Debate: The Frontiers Between Freedom of Expression and Civic Responsibility
Wednesday 17 December 200825th Goftegu Public Debate: What has gone astray in Afghanistan’s higher education system? Causes and solutions

Invitation for 25th Goftegu Public Debate: What has gone astray in Afghanistan’s higher education system? Causes and solutions
Wednesday 19 November 200824th Goftegu Public Debate: Sayed Jamaladdin and religious new thinking

Invitation for 24th Goftegu Public Debate: Sayed Jamaladdin and religious new thinking For complete report See Persian Version
Wednesday 15 October 200822nd Goftegu Public Debate: Tradition or modernism, confrontation or correlation?

Invitation for 22nd Goftegu Public Debate: Tradition or modernism, confrontation or correlation?
Wednesday 20 August 2008