Let’s Break the Silence
Dr Sima Samar: “Human rights have a value now in Afghanistan”

Dr Sima Samar is the current Chairperson of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission. A doctor by training, Samar spent a decade in exile in Pakistan.
Friday 31 January 2014Rahnavard Zaryab: “We are not free to think here”

unveiling Afghanistan Campaign: Rahnavard Zaryab is an influential Afghan writer and scholar. He was imprisoned during the Taraki era in 1978/79. His work has brought him into extensive contact with democratic countries. He advocates for democracy and ideological freedom in Afghanistan.
Thursday 30 January 2014Humaira Qaderi: “When are you going to burn yourself?”

Dr Humaira Qaderi is a writer and women’s rights activist. She was a teenager during the years of the Taliban, when girls were forbidden from going to school and libraries were closed.
Wednesday 29 January 2014