Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA
Afghan, Australian and international human rights and legal organisations call for public release of Justice Brereton’s Afghanistan Inquiry report

Over 20 organisations including OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr Foundation wrote to the Assistant Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force, urging him to commit to releasing the report of the Inquiry into allegations of breaches of int. humanitarian law by Australian special forces in Afghanistan.
Friday 30 October 2020Innovating to combat violence against women in the context of COVID19

Webinar exchange between women’s rights defenders from France, Mexico, South Africa, and Tunisia, four countries in which feminist organisations reacted quickly to the exacerbation of violence against women linked to the COVID-19 crisis.
Monday 17 August 2020OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr supports the HEY Campaign: A global call for youth-led advocacy on climate change & health in Afghanistan and Tajikistan

The Healthy and Environment-friendly Youth (HEY) Campaign is all about creating a generation of young people committed to adopting lifestyles that are both healthy and environmentally friendly, and leading global advocacy efforts to build inclusive societies where priority is given to life and dignity, not just economic growth. Our agenda is to create a movement bringing all of our youth and children together, in their diversity..
Thursday 2 July 2020Happenings in The Hague: An explainer on the recent ICC decision on Afghanistan

It seems the world of international justice was overjoyed on March 5, 2020. What happened? A lot! The Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) authorised the Prosecutor to investigate the crimes against humanity and war […]
Wednesday 11 March 2020Women’s rights in Afghanistan: all together we are the 40Braids

We are so proud to have launched the 40Braids Women Film’s Caravan yesterday in Paris. We want to tell you why.
Sunday 8 March 2020Droits des femmes en Afghanistan : tou.te.s ensemble, nous sommes les 40Braids

Nous sommes tellement fier.ère.s d’avoir lancé la Caravane de Films de Femmes 40Braids, hier à Paris. Voici pourquoi.
Sunday 8 March 2020On the occasion of 8 March 2020: Women’s rights are curtailed across the globe – VIDEO

FIDH After #MeToo and many similar movements in all regions of the world, the cause of women’s rights has grown in visibility. Watch FIDH Vice President Guissou Jahangiri’s Short video
Friday 6 March 2020Afghanistan: ICC to Investigate War Crimes, Including US Torture

The Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) unanimously decided to authorise an investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed on the territory of Afghanistan.A pivotal moment for victims in Afghanistan and beyond.
Friday 6 March 2020BRIEF on 24 years of OPEN ASIA | Armanshahr supporting women’s rights

OPEN ASIA | Armanshahr was established as an independent organisation 24 years ago. This organisation has concentrated its human rights work mainly on countering war and militarism, promoting justice, defending victims, combating systematic violence against […]
Wednesday 29 January 2020The Politics of Peace: How ICC Intervention Impacts Accountability in Countries that Fail to Provide Justice to Victims

SOURCE 18TH SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY OF STATES PARTIES TO THE ROME STATUTE Day 3 (4 December 2019) Name of the Event: The Politics of Peace: How ICC Intervention Impacts Accountability in Countries that […]
Monday 16 December 2019