Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA
Armanshahr Foundation/OPEN ASIA announced the awardees of the 6th International Simorgh Peace Prize

In this 6th edition of the Simorgh Peace Prize, Armanshahr lauded “Protectors of cultural heritage and written heritage” resisting war, destruction and oblivion aiming to protect “collective memory” and awarded them the lapis lazuli Simorgh Peace Statute in Kabul.
Monday 16 December 2019ICC: Appeals Set for Possible Afghanistan Inquiry

“Without the ICC, justice in Afghanistan is an empty slogan. The never-ending impunity in Afghanistan shows why the ICC, as a court of last resort, is so desperately needed.”
Tuesday 3 December 2019Amicus Curiae Observations Armanshahr|OPEN ASIA, FIDH, Afghanistan-Transitional Justice Coordination Group (TJCG)

ICC The Afghanistan-Transitional Justice Coordination Group (TJCG), Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA, and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), (collectively the “Organisations”) respectfully submit these submissions pursuant to the ‘Decision on the “Request for Leave to Submit […]
Wednesday 17 July 2019For Afghans, International Justice Day is little cause for celebration

The ICC has effectively turned its back on the tens of thousands of Afghan victims of a never ending war, write Amal Nassar, Guissou Jahangiri and Anushka Sehmi.
Wednesday 17 July 2019World Day for International Justice: Report sheet of Armanshahr Foundation|OPEN ASIA

In the past 23 years, Armanshahr has adopted a holistic view and cultural approach and concentrated its work in the field of human rights on combating war & militarism, promoting justice, defending victims, combating systematic violence against women & achieving a just & enduring peace.
Wednesday 17 July 2019ICC Refuses to Investigate Crimes in Afghanistan, including US Torture: An Unacceptable and Shameful Decision

In an appalling decision, the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber II decided not to grant the Prosecutor’s request to open an investigation into alleged crimes committed in Afghanistan.
Friday 12 April 2019VICTIMS AT THE CENTER OF JUSTICE: Reflections on the Promises and the Reality of Victim Participation at the ICC (1998-2018)

Representations in Afghanistan: Unprecedented Challenges & Lessons Learned, K. Wigard, G. Jahangiri, Z. Moballegh & Challenges for Legal representation of Victims of U.S. Torture on Territory of Afghanistan & other ICC States Parties, K. Gallagher
Wednesday 12 December 2018FIDH calls on the ICC and national jurisdictions to step up the fight against impunity for sexual violence

Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against both women and men remain invisible and go unpunished. FIDH calls on the ICC and national jurisdictions to step up the fight against impunity for sexual violence.
Wednesday 12 December 2018FIDH speech to the 17th session of the Assembly of States Parties to the ICC Statute

17th session of the ASP to ICC Speech delivered on 6 Dec. 18 in The Hague by Guissou Jahangiri, FIDH Vice President & Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Exec. Director: Provide the Court with the resources it needs, in Burundi and Georgia, Afghanistan & Palestine.
Monday 3 December 2018Cambodia: In landmark verdict, the Khmer Rouge Tribunal recognises forced marriage as a crime against humanity and convicts former Khmer Rouge leaders for genocide

The conviction of former Khmer rouge leaders for forced marriages & sexual crimes stemming from them and their qualification as crimes against humanity set an important precedent in international law. The court’s verdict ensured that the perpetrators of forced marriages were properly punished & victims received justice.”Guissou Jahangiri, FIDH Vice President
Wednesday 21 November 2018