Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA
The Long Wait for Justice: Will the ICC Investigate Crimes in the Afghanistan Situation?

“After a preliminary examination that lasted a decade, an additional year of waiting for victims is unacceptable.” Guissou Jahangiri, FIDH Vice-President and Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Executive Director
Tuesday 20 November 2018OPEN ASIA/ Armanshahr joins the Declaration of Civil Society in Spain for the recovery of Universal Jurisdiction

OPEN ASIA/ Armanshahr joins hundreds of organisations and personalities calling on the Government of Spain to undertake the necessary steps for the recovery of the Universal Jurisdiction of Spain. The recent political change produced in Spain must necessarily bring, is the reversal of setbacks in terms of human rights, recovering, the lost ground.
Tuesday 30 October 2018Afghanistan: Voters deserve praise but serious election flaws must be urgently addressed

This election showed us the good, the bad, and the ugly of today’s Afghanistan – the good was the bravery of citizens who defy widespread violence to vote; the bad was the sheer mismanagement of the electoral process by the authorities, which created an environment conducive to fraud; the ugly was the Taliban’s deplorable violence and terror against civilians.
Tuesday 23 October 2018Afghanistan Government must protect citizens’ right to participate in upcoming elections amid soaring violence

Despite increasing attacks by various terrorist groups, a lack of genuine vetting of candidates, and the fact that the terms of the ongoing high level “peace settlements” with the Taliban remain unknown to the public, Afghans continue to show they have faith in the election process notably an independent young generation of civil society members and women
Wednesday 17 October 2018Iran: Open letter to President Hassan Rouhani: Stop the persecution of HRDs

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a partnership of FIDH and the World Organisation Against Torture is writing to you to express its deepest concern over the ongoing wave of arbitrary arrests, prosecutions, persecution and judicial harassment of human rights defenders in Iran, including women’s rights defenders.
Monday 1 October 2018The Accountability of ‘Major Powers’ for Alleged Serious Violations of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

The Accountability of ‘Major Powers’ for Alleged Serious Violations of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Challenges and Prospects. Conference and Launch of Discussion Paper, Hague Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ The Hague, Netherlands, 1 October 2018
Friday 14 September 2018OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr among 127 Rights groups call for immediate release of Nabeel Rajab after UN group calls his detention arbitrary and discriminatory

OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr among 127 Rights groups call for immediate release of Nabeel Rajab after UN group (WGAD) calls his detention arbitrary and discriminatory.
Wednesday 29 August 2018EU must call on government of Afghanistan to protect human rights amid conflict, insecurity

FIDH-Armansnahr/OPEN ASIA : The EU must use the upcoming human rights dialogue with Afghanistan to call on the government to address human rights violations, prioritize accountability, and strengthen the rule of law.
Thursday 3 May 2018International Crimes Committed in Afghanistan: Towards ICC Prosecutions of All Operating Forces?

After a decade-long preliminary examination, the ICC Prosecutor requested the opening of an investigation into the situation in Afghanistan. Our organisations welcome this decision allowing for impunity for int. crimes committed since May 2003 to be addressed.
Friday 3 November 2017October 10: World Day15th World Day Against the Death Penalty: Poverty

Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA joins the 15th World Day Against the Death Penalty. The death penalty is used discriminatorily, often against the most vulnerable people and should be abolished. The application of the death penalty is inextricably linked to poverty.
Monday 9 October 2017