Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA
Call for submission of films for the 3rd International Women’s Film Festival – Herat, Afghanistan 21 February 2015

International Women’s Film Festival – Herat requests the domestic and international filmmakers to send in their short or long feature and documentary films the main theme of which should be concerned with women-related issues for the one-week Festival to be held
as of 11 October 2015 in Herat, Afghanistan.
Open Letter to His Excellency President Mr Mohammad Ashraf Ghani

On 3 and 4 December 2014, the governments of the UK and Afghanistan will co-host the London Development Conference on Afghanistan, inviting government representatives from around the world to discuss the current situation in Afghanistan
Tuesday 2 December 2014Afghanistan: Presidential election audit completed

Source: FIDH 6 Spetmebre 2014 FIDH and its member organization Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA welcome the announcement that the physical audit of the 14 June Afghan Presidential run-off election has been completed, and call on the two […]
Monday 8 September 2014FIDH & Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Statement “Afghanistan: Women’s rights are non-negotiable”

On the eve of International Women’s Day and less than one month before presidential elections, FIDH and its member organisation in Afghanistan, Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA urge the national authorities to ensure full and direct participation of women in a free and fair election process and call on the presidential candidates to make the promotion and safeguard of women’s rights and their legal protection their priority.
Thursday 6 March 2014FIDH – Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Joint press release: Launch of the Campaign “Unveiling Afghanistan”

Kabul, Paris, 28 January 2014. FIDH – International Federation for Human Rights – Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA; Joint press release. Launch of the Campaign “Unveiling Afghanistan: The Unheard Voices of Progress”
Wednesday 29 January 2014Press Invitation: FIDH – Russie / JO 2014, «SOTCHI. Des barreaux derrière les anneaux»

Sotchi Olympic Games will be the opportunity for human rights group to call on Russia to demonstrate greater respect for universal standards.
Thursday 23 January 2014Herat Women’s Film Fest Seeks to Bring ‘Change’

Afghan Zar Riza By Syed Zafar Mehdi The second edition of Herat International Women’s Film Festival to be held in March 20014 seeks to provide platform to young filmmakers and change societal attitude towards women […]
Saturday 4 January 2014Civil Society urges Afghan government to stop looting of mineral resources

Members of the Natural Resources Monitoring Network urged the Afghan government to take strong measures against individuals and companies involved in illegal mining. Thousands of tons of minerals such as coal, chromite, and a variety […]
Monday 23 December 2013Entries are now being accepted for the 2nd International Women’s Film Festival-Herat

Entries are now being accepted for the 2nd International Women’s Film Festival – Herat. Call on new or established filmmakers from anywhere in the world for a one-week festival held in March 2014 to commemorate International Women’s Day.
Tuesday 17 December 2013Armanshahr joins 61 signatories for a Call for a new investigation into enforced disappearance of Sombath Somphone

We, the undersigned 62 regional and international organizations, express outrage over the Lao Government’s ongoing failure to shed light on the enforced disappearance of prominent activist and civil society leader Sombath Somphone. December 15, 2013 […]
Friday 13 December 2013