24th Goftegu Public Debate: Sayed Jamaladdin and religious new thinking
Invitation for 24th Goftegu Public Debate: Sayed Jamaladdin and religious new thinking For complete report See Persian Version
Wednesday 15 October 200823rd Goftegu Public Debate: National music, national identity
Invitation for 23rd Goftegu Public Debate: National music, national identity
Wednesday 17 September 200822nd Goftegu Public Debate: Tradition or modernism, confrontation or correlation?
Invitation for 22nd Goftegu Public Debate: Tradition or modernism, confrontation or correlation?
Wednesday 20 August 200821st Goftegu Public Debate: Where are the people? Role of citizens in governance of Afghanistan
Invitation for 21st Goftegu Public Debate: Where are the people? Role of citizens in governance of Afghanistan
Friday 18 July 200820th Goftegu Public Debate: Role of Afghanistan in regional cooperations in Asia
Invitation to 20th Goftegu Public Debate: Role of Afghanistan in regional cooperations in Asia
Wednesday 18 June 200819th Goftegu Public Debate: Transitional justice and functions of civil society in this process
Invitation for 19th Goftegu Public Debate: Transitional justice and functions of civil society in this process
Wednesday 14 May 200818th Goftegu Public Debate: Books, writing and reading
Invitation to 18th Goftegu Public Debate: Books, writing and reading
Tuesday 15 April 200817th Goftegu Public Debate: An examination of administrative corruption in Afghanistan and solutions to it
Invitation to 17th Goftegu Public Debate: An examination of administrative corruption in Afghanistan and solutions to it
Wednesday 19 March 200816th Goftegu Public Debate: 248 parliamentarians and one question: Achievements of the National Assembly in the past two years
Invitation to 16th Goftegu Public Debate: 248 parliamentarians and one question: Achievements of the National Assembly in the past two years
Tuesday 12 February 200815th Goftegu Public Debate: Social and psychological challenges faced by the youth
Invitation for 15th Goftegu Public Debate: Social and psychological challenges faced by the youth
Tuesday 15 January 2008