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Editor Selection


Nabeel Rajab has been demanding democratic reforms, social justice and human rights in Bahrain since the 1990s. He has been one of the most prominent voices denouncing human rights abuses perpetrated in the context of the popular uprising that started in March 2011.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Armanshahr/OPENASIA HR & Civil Society Newsletter – issue 91 year VII

Armanshahr/OPENASIA HR & Civil Society Newsletter – issue 91 year VII

Saturday 18 October 2014

Iran: further information: ex-political prisoner detained, risks torture

Friday 17 October 2014

Influences of Religious Fundamentalism on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women

The world is less than 500 days away from the targeted day to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), eight goals and 18 targets set by the United Nations and governments to tackle some of the worst problems that have impeded developing nations.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Women and Inclusive Peace Building in Afghanistan

In Afghanistan, Within and Without the State has been working to build the capacity of civil society and to promote the participation of women, youth and other marginalized groups in the peace process.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Reflections on Violence

These reflections were provoked by the events and debates of the last few years, as seen against the background of the twentieth century. Indeed this century has become, as Lenin predicted, a century of wars and revolutions, hence a century of that violence which is currently believed to be their common denominator

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Afghanistan: Fight Rampant Sexual Harassment

President Ghani’s recognition of sexual harassment in Afghanistan as ‘shocking’ is spot-on. The Afghan government should promptly enact a law against sexual harassment and ensure that every government institution develops and implements an anti-sexual harassment policy.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Death Penalty: Countries continue to execute people with mental and intellectual disabilities

Sunday 12 October 2014

Armanshahr/OPENASIA HR & Civil Society Newsletter – issue 90 year VII

Armanshahr/OPENASIA HR & Civil Society Newsletter – issue 90 year VII

Saturday 11 October 2014

Hidden in plain sight

In July, Arundhati Roy provoked outrage from many quarters by stating that the generally accepted image of Mahatma Gandhi was a lie. Speaking at the University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, she also called for institutions bearing his name to be renamed.

Saturday 4 October 2014