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Editor Selection

The Afghan Game: Interests and Moves

In Afghanistan, the third Great Game is still on. The end of US–NATO combat operations in Afghanistan by the end of 2014 will be read by many as ‘Obama’s Vietnam’, but the retention of a small number of troops and several military facilities by the US in that country will be a source of worry.

Friday 1 August 2014

Photo Essay: In Whose Name? – The Muslim world after 9/11

Friday 1 August 2014

Armanshahr Human Rights & Civil Society newsletter – issue 80 year VI

Armanshahr Human Rights & Civil Society newsletter – issue 80 year VI

Friday 1 August 2014

Latin American Truth Commissions: Confronting the Past – A comparative assessment of truth and reconciliation commissions in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala and Peru

Latin America is a vibrant participant in the multipolar world. In the two decades since a wave of economic and policy changes swept the region, most Latin American countries have embraced and even pioneered new international dispute mechanisms.

Friday 1 August 2014

Amnesty International CAMPAIGN: Show your support for Afghan women workers at risk

Source: Amnesty International In Afghanistan, being a doctor, teacher, working in the police force or politics puts you at huge risk – especially if you’re a woman. Our campaign calling on the UK government to […]

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Iran is world’s leading jailer of female journalists and netizens

Monday 28 July 2014

Iranian writer sentenced to death: Arzhang Davoodi

Monday 28 July 2014

Concerns about Violations of International Law in Operation Protective Edge

Saturday 26 July 2014

STATEMENT Afghan Women’s Network: Where Are the Women?

Afghan Women’s Network, its 117 member organizations and more than 3000 members has had visible contribution and accomplishments in awareness, mobilization and political participation of women during the last three election terms, Loya Jirga’s, Consultation Jirga’s.

Saturday 26 July 2014

Armanshahr Human Rights & Civil Society newsletter – issue 79 year VI

Armanshahr Human Rights & Civil Society newsletter – issue 79 year VI

Saturday 26 July 2014