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Editor Selection

Huffington Post: Kaweh Jobran says “Allow me not to wish for my daughter”

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Ahmad Wali Massoud: “Those who look to the past cannot plan our future”

Unveiling Afghanistan Campaign: Ahmad Wali Massoud is a prominent Afghan politician and head of the Massoud Foundation. He is the younger brother of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the resistance figure against the Soviet occupation and the Taliban who was assassinated.

Wednesday 5 February 2014


Tuesday 4 February 2014

20 years after the Rwandan genocide : opening of the first trial in France against an accused of complicity in genocide

The first trial in France against a Rwandan national accused of complicity in genocide is opening at the Paris criminal court (Cour d’assises).
20 years after the Rwandan genocide : opening of the first trial in France against an accused of complicity in genocide

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Tajik Mullahs Go on Government Payroll

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Afghanistan Detentions Working Group on Bagram detainee release

Statement by Afghanistan Detentions Working Group (DWG) expressing concerns regarding President Karzai’s proposed release of up to 86 detainees currently being held by the Afghan government at Bagram detention cente.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Azita Rafa’t: “It was the day when 10,000 rockets hit the city”

Unveiling Afghanistan Campaign: Azita Rafa’at is a human and women’s rights activist from Badghis province. She was a people’s representative in the Emergency Loya Jirga to elect the transitional administration in 2002

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Afghanistan’s Transition in the Making: Perceptions and Policy Strategies of Women Parliamentarians, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Afghanistan

After more than a decade of an international intervention and close to the proclaimed second post-2014 transition phase, women’s political participation remains precarious and volatile in Afghanistan despite inroads made.

Monday 3 February 2014

Huffington Post: Sima Samar says “Human rights have a value now in Afghanistan”

Monday 3 February 2014

Kaweh Jobran: “Allow me not to wish for my daughter”

Unveiling Afghanistan Campaign: Kaweh Jobran is a professor in literature in the State University in Kapisa province and works as a journalist with national and international media based from Kabul. A published poet and essayist, he is an active blogger and influential young thinker.

Monday 3 February 2014