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77th Goftegu Public Debate: “A comparative reading of the conditions of women in Afghanistan and Tajikistan”

Speakers: Lucia Direnberger (Researcher and PhD student at l’Université de Paris VII), Mazari Safa (ex-Vice minister of Women’s social affairs), Mohammad Aslam Jawadi (Director of Sociology department of Kateb University)

Friday 9 August 2013

76th Goftegu Public Debate: Building the present and future of Children

Speakers: Ms. Fatana Ishaq Gailani (Founder and chairwoman of Afghanistan Women Council), M. Mohammad Sarwar Hosseini (Deputy-head of Literacy and Informal Training at the Ministry of Education), M. Mohammad Aslam Jawadi (Director of Sociology Department of Kateb University), Ms. Safa Mazari (Director of orphanages, Ministry of Labour and Social affairs)

Friday 9 August 2013

75th Goftegu Public Debate: Justice for Women in War and Peace

On the occasion of International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women and the distribution of the new Armanshahr publication “Justice for Women in War and Peace”:

Friday 9 August 2013

74th Goftegu Public Debate: Books with no readers, readers with no writers

Invitation for 74th Goftegu Public Debate: Books with no readers, readers with no writers

Friday 9 August 2013

73rd Goftegu Public Debate: In search of truth and justice in Afghanistan

Armanshahr Foundation organised its 73rd Goftegu public debate under the title of “In search of truth and justice in Afghanistan, national and international mechanisms,” in its offices on 23rd April 2011. Two dozen students and civil society activists of Afghanistan participated at the meeting.

Friday 9 August 2013

72nd Goftegu Public Debate: Re-reading 60 years of contemporary history: from the decade of democracy until today

72nd Goftegu Public Debate: Re-reading 60 years of contemporary history: from the decade of democracy until today

Friday 9 August 2013

71st Goftegu Public Debate: Universal Jurisdiction; a new mechanism to proceed against Human rights violators

Universal Jurisdiction: a new mechanism to proceed against Human rights violators

Thursday 8 August 2013

70th Goftegu Public Debate: Women, Peace and Cinema

On the occasion of International Women’s Day Armanshahr Foundation, Roya Film House in collaboration with the French Institute of Afghanistan and Kaboora Production are pleased to invite you to the 70th (year V) public event GOFTEGU

Wednesday 7 August 2013

69th Goftegu Public Debate: Systems of Governance and Social Justice, Which model for Afghanistan?

Speakers: Mir Ahmad Joyanda (Ex-parlementarian), Massouda Karokhy (Parlementarian), Zohur Razmju (Secretary of the National Alliance Party), Seyfeddin Seyhoun (Economy Professor, Kabul University), Dr. Douglas Saltmarshe (Senior Research Manager researching on Local Governance/AREU)

Wednesday 7 August 2013

68th Goftegu Public Debate: Contemporary music & work of Vahid Qassemi

The 68th Goftegu public debate of Armanshahr Foundation (5th year) was organised in Herat, in cooperation with the Information and Culture Directorate of Herat Province to discuss contemporary music and the work of Vahid Qassemi, a leading contemporary musician.

Wednesday 7 August 2013