International Women’s Film Festival
Armanshahr/OPENASIA HR & Civil Society Newsletter – issue 93 year VII

Armanshahr/OPENASIA HR & Civil Society Newsletter – issue 93 year VII
Tuesday 11 November 2014Afghanistan: FIDH supports the International Women’s Film Festival – Herat

Organized by Armanshahr Open Asia, FIDH’s member organization in Afghanistan, and Roya Film House, the festival will present 42 films in official competition that were either created by women or that speak about women’s rights. 16 other films will also be screened outside of the competition.
Tuesday 11 November 2014Second edition of International Women Film Festival Held in Herat in 2014

Artists as well as normal participants of the festival all celebrated the cultural exchange, and many complained that not enough has been done to promote arts and culture in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban.
Monday 10 November 2014Invitation: 2nd “Herat International Women’s Film Festival”

Armanshahr Foundation and Roya Film House cordially invite you for three days to the ancient Citadel of Herat for the 2nd Herat International Women’s Film Festival.*
Monday 3 November 2014IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! The second round of the International Women’s Film Festival – Herat has been postponed to spring 2014!

The second round of the International Women’s Film Festival – Herat has been postponed to spring 2014!!! The secretariat of the Women’s Film Festival informs all participants that due to security reasons and the upcoming presidential elections in April 2014, the International Film Festival will be held this spring.
Wednesday 5 March 20142nd International Women’s Film Festival Brochure 2014

The second International Women’s film festival kicked off in western Herat province of Afghanistan on Saturday. The three-day film festival will mainly focus on violence against women and women’s right in Afghanistan which will be attended by filmmakers both from Afghanistan and abroad.
Thursday 6 February 2014Herat Women’s Film Fest Seeks to Bring ‘Change’

Afghan Zar Riza By Syed Zafar Mehdi The second edition of Herat International Women’s Film Festival to be held in March 20014 seeks to provide platform to young filmmakers and change societal attitude towards women […]
Saturday 4 January 2014Второй тур “Международного женского кинофестиваля – Герат”

Секретариат второго тура “Международного женского кинофестиваля – Герат” обращается с просьбой к местным и зарубежным режиссерам направить свои документальные и художественные фильмы с женской тематикой до 25 января 2014 года, для участия на этом фестивале, […]
Friday 20 December 2013Entries are now being accepted for the 2nd International Women’s Film Festival-Herat

Entries are now being accepted for the 2nd International Women’s Film Festival – Herat. Call on new or established filmmakers from anywhere in the world for a one-week festival held in March 2014 to commemorate International Women’s Day.
Tuesday 17 December 2013Festival Cinéma et Droit Humain 13-19 Nov. 2013 Amnesty International Paris

La 4e édition du Festival cinéma et droits humains du 13 au 19 novembre 2013, tous les soirs à 20h au Cinéma le Saint André des Arts à Paris. Onze courts-métrages en compétition, et six longs-métrages dont la projection sera suivie d’un débat.
Wednesday 13 November 2013