Citizens and Civil Society
Special issue of Human Rights Week of Armanshahr no. 146

Special issue of Human Rights Week of Armanshahr no. 146
Friday 18 December 2015Three international instruments on women examined

Armanshahr Foundation/OPEN ASIA organised educational workshops during the Human Rights Week (7-10 December 2015) on CEDAW, and UN Resolutions 1325 and 1820 concerning women, conflict and war.
Thursday 17 December 2015A revisiting of strategies & a new plan to protect peace and women’s rights in wartime

The 152nd Goftegu – Dialogue – meeting of Armanshahr Foundation/OPEN ASIA was held at the European Union Delegation premises in Kabul on 7 December 2015, in collaboration with and with the support of the EU, the French Embassy, the French Institute Afghanistan, UN Women in Afghanistan, and the Swiss Cooperation Office Afghanistan.
Tuesday 15 December 2015READ NEW ISSUE Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER No.144

READ NEW ISSUE Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER No.144
Thursday 10 December 2015NEW ISSUE Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER No.142

NEW ISSUE Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER No.142
Sunday 8 November 2015NEW ISSUE Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER No.141

NEW ISSUE Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER No.141
Saturday 31 October 2015ISSUE Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER No.140

ISSUE Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER No.140
Saturday 24 October 2015Special issue no 139 on the International Women’s Film festival-Herat Oct. 2015

Special issue no 139 on the International Women’s Film festival-Herat Oct. 2015 –
Friday 16 October 2015NEW ISSUE Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER No.138

NEW ISSUE Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER No.138
Thursday 8 October 2015This week’s issue of Armanshahr HR & Civil Society Newsletter No.137

This week’s issue of Armanshahr HR & Civil Society Newsletter No.137
Wednesday 30 September 2015