Citizens and Civil Society
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking: The Influence of Social Networking Technologies on Female Religious Veil-Wearing Behavior in Iran

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking: The Influence of Social Networking Technologies on Female Religious Veil-Wearing Behavior in Iran.
Thursday 10 April 2014USIP & Afghanistan’s Political Transition

Since 2011, USIP has advocated that Afghanistan’s political transition, and the presidential election in particular, will be the most crucial factor in determining the country’s stability post-2014.
Friday 28 March 2014Afghan Citizen Perception Survey
Source: ATR ATR conducted in depth quantitative research with more than 4,200 respondents in different regions to shed light on dominant perceptions of the Taliban, of state control, as well as the role of the […]
Tuesday 4 March 2014Transition and Non-Government Organizations in Afghanistan: An Assessment and Prospects

In mid 2013 BAAG, with ENNA (the European Network of NGOs in Afghanistan), committed to raising the concerns and recommendations of their various members on this important subject of Transition. They commissioned Kabul-based research agency APPRO to conduct a survey, and today we are pleased to launch the findings of that work.
Tuesday 4 March 2014Afghan women: No turning back

The women of Afghanistan have come a long way in the past 12 years. The post-Talban Afghan Constitution assures them equal rights and freedoms, access to education, healthcare, employment opportunities, political and social activities.
Tuesday 25 February 2014133rd Goftegu Public Debate: Opening ceremony of Unveiling Afghanistan, The Unheard Voices of Progress, what we expect from election? – Report

On 3rd February 2014, the 133rd public Dialogue/GOFTEGU of Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA was held at the French Institute of Afghanistan (IFA) in Kabul.
Friday 7 February 2014UN report urges Afghanistan to recruit female teachers locally to boost girls’ education

Source: UNAMA A United Nations report released on 29th of January 2014 said that female teachers are “urgently needed” to boost the education of girls in Afghanistan, which has the highest level of gender disparity […]
Wednesday 5 February 2014Not a “Tailless Star”: an obituary for leading Afghan intellectual Muhammad Qasim Akhgar

On Tuesday night (28 January 2014), with the passing away of Muhammad Qasim Akhgar, Afghanistan lost one of its leading intellectuals. Ustad Akhgar died after a long illness, only 62 years old and he died […]
Saturday 1 February 2014FIDH – Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Joint press release: Launch of the Campaign “Unveiling Afghanistan”

Kabul, Paris, 28 January 2014. FIDH – International Federation for Human Rights – Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA; Joint press release. Launch of the Campaign “Unveiling Afghanistan: The Unheard Voices of Progress”
Wednesday 29 January 2014Afghanistan in 2013: A Survey

Asia Foundation On December 11, 2013, The Asia Foundation, in partnership with the United States Institute of Peace, presented the findings of the 2013 Survey of the Afghan People. With the presidential election and the […]
Friday 24 January 2014