Citizens and Civil Society
Uzbek Decree Allows Unmarried Couples To Stay In Hotels Together

Uzbekistan’s president has issued a decree that allows unmarried couples to share rooms in hotels.
Friday 18 January 2019Kabul Air Pollution A ‘Serious Problem’

MPs have asked officials to take measures to manage the air pollution in Kabul, saying it has become a serious issue.
Friday 18 January 2019Armanshahr|OPEN ASIA Simorgh Peace prize 2018: Afghan Children’s Campaign For Peace

Armanshahr|OPEN ASIA 5th Simorgh Peace prize: 2,000 children from Herat, Kabul and Kandahar provinces run a campaign to raise their voice for peace and an end to the ongoing conflict which has gripped the Afghans over the past 27 years.
Wednesday 16 January 2019Domestic violence prevention laws should be more detailed, say Central Asian experts

The laws on domestic violence prevention in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan need to be developed and completed with more detailed prevention and protection mechanisms, according to experts from the countries.
Friday 11 January 2019Indian women just did a remarkable thing – they formed a wall of protest

Indian women form 620km human chain in support of lifting of temple ban.
Friday 11 January 2019You Should Be Worrying about the Woman Shortage

The World Health Organization says the natural sex ratio at birth is about 105 boys to every 100 girls and its best to have equal numbers of men and women in a society.
Thursday 20 December 2018FIDH calls on the ICC and national jurisdictions to step up the fight against impunity for sexual violence

Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against both women and men remain invisible and go unpunished. FIDH calls on the ICC and national jurisdictions to step up the fight against impunity for sexual violence.
Wednesday 12 December 2018Tunisia: Privacy Threatened by ‘Homosexuality’ Arrests

Tunisian authorities are confiscating and searching the phones of men they suspect of being gay and pressuring them to take anal tests and to confess to homosexual activity, Human Rights Watch said today.
Thursday 29 November 2018A Look Inside the First All-Female TV News Station in Afghanistan

The first-ever all-female TV news station there runs a lot like any station in the U.S., with one big exception: These journalists are risking their lives.
Thursday 1 November 2018The imams, the Taliban and the condom – video

Two imams in Afghanistan are on a quest to educate men and women on the use of contraception as a means to halt the deaths of women at childbirth.
Thursday 1 November 2018