Citizens and Civil Society
US Claim of ‘No Civilian Casualties’ is Tested in Afghanistan
HRW – My almost 2-year-old daughter fell on her head in a Washington, DC Starbucks, and it made me think of the children I met in Afghanistan just weeks before. I was there to meet with civilian […]
Monday 5 March 2018Award-winning Iranian film director Asghar Farhadi: Watching the foundations crumble

How does human fragility express itself in a rigid social system? Oscar-winning filmmaker Asghar Farhadi′s “The Salesman” reveals the precariousness of urban middle-class life in the Islamic Republic. By Jasmin Astaki-Bardeh As the cinema audience […]
Tuesday 2 January 2018From the ground up: A Preliminary Dialogue on the Nexus of Economic Policy, Gender and Violent Extremism

In 2016, the International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) began exploring the nexus of economic policy, gender and extremism in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Center for Women’s Global Leadership […]
Thursday 26 October 2017Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Call for submission of works to the 5th Simorgh International Peace Prize

Call for submission of works to the 5th Simorgh International Peace Prize. This round the Prize follows the motto “My ideal city” and is concerned with poems, stories and drawings by children and adolescents of Afghanistan. Deadline 22 OCT 2017.
Monday 9 October 2017Depoliticised and unsustainable: Why I Am Not a Feminist author argues that feminism has lost touch with its politically radical roots.

OPEN DEMOCRACY JANINE RICH From outraged memes online to slogan-bearing t-shirts on the streets, across the world more and more women are calling themselves feminists, and demanding change. But what would this change actually consist […]
Monday 21 August 2017What Is ‘Femonationalism’?

Academic Sara Farris, author of In the name of women’s rights: the rise of femonationalism talks about the ‘instrumentalisation’ of migrant women in Europe by right-wing nationalists & neoliberals exploiting and mobilising issues of gender equality, particularly in campaigns against Muslims.
Thursday 20 July 2017Reporters face 70 years in prison over anti-Trump march

Source: Aljazeera Newsby: Patrick Strickland@P_Strickland Reporters face 70 years in prison over anti-Trump march Two journalists are among more than 200 people facing felony charges after mass arrests at Inauguration Day rally. Even when heavily armed […]
Tuesday 20 June 2017Nepalese women trafficked to Syria and forced to work as maids

Source: The Guardian By Pete Pattisson While millions are fleeing the brutal conflict in Syria, hundreds of Nepalese women are being trafficked to the war-torn country and forced to work as domestic maids. The women, who […]
Saturday 10 June 2017The scars of 1967 through the eyes of an Arab millennial

Source: TRT World Young Ahmed is raised with his father’s scarring memories of the Six-Day War only to grow up and face his own socio-political trauma. Achment Gonim is of Egyptian descent, raised in Greece […]
Friday 9 June 2017Women Excluded Again from Afghanistan’s Peace Talks

Participation by Women Even More Urgent in Light of Recent Attacks in Kabul
Friday 9 June 2017