Human Rights
Afghanistan: Voters deserve praise but serious election flaws must be urgently addressed

This election showed us the good, the bad, and the ugly of today’s Afghanistan – the good was the bravery of citizens who defy widespread violence to vote; the bad was the sheer mismanagement of the electoral process by the authorities, which created an environment conducive to fraud; the ugly was the Taliban’s deplorable violence and terror against civilians.
Tuesday 23 October 2018HRW Submission on Tajikistan to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

Violence against women remains pervasive today in Tajik society. Survivors of domestic violence told Human Rights Watch harrowing stories of the worst kinds of abuse, including sadistic violence committed by perpetrators, all across the country across every socioeconomic category.
Tuesday 23 October 2018Witness: Girls in Senegal Risk Losing Their Futures

“Fanta” lost her future, her friends, and, for a while, her family, when she got pregnant at 17. The man who got her pregnant, and whom she had been seeing for nearly two years, rejected her and acknowledged nothing.
Tuesday 23 October 2018Syria: Residents Blocked From Returning

Human Rights Watch – (Beirut) – The Syrian government is unlawfully preventing displaced residents from former anti-government-held areas from returning to their properties, Human Rights Watch said today. Residents of one town, Qaboun, said the government is also demolishing […]
Tuesday 23 October 2018Feminist Advocacy, Family Law and Violence Against Women: International Perspectives

Around the world, discriminatory legislation prevents women from accessing their human rights. It can affect almost every aspect of a woman’s life, including the right to choose a partner, inherit property, hold a job, and obtain child custody.
Tuesday 23 October 2018From Europe to Afghanistan: Experiences of Child Returnees

From Europe to Afghanistan: Experiences of Child Returnees. A Save the children new report that highlights alarming lack of oversight of Afghan child returns from Europe.
Wednesday 17 October 2018Why women migrant workers are compelled to come back

THE DAILY STAR Since 2015, hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshi women have gone to the Middle East, mostly Saudi Arabia, in search of a livelihood. Nearly five thousand of them have so far returned, with many alleging torture and serious abuse.
Friday 12 October 2018Afghanistan: Humanitarian Needs Overview

UNOCHA Humanitarian needs overview in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is one of the world’s most complex humanitarian emergencies.
Thursday 11 October 2018Kyrgyzstan Women and children affected by migration

FIDH Report in Kyrgyzstan. Women and children from Kyrgyzstan affected by migration are an exacerbated vulnerability.
Thursday 11 October 2018Iran: Open letter to President Hassan Rouhani: Stop the persecution of HRDs

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a partnership of FIDH and the World Organisation Against Torture is writing to you to express its deepest concern over the ongoing wave of arbitrary arrests, prosecutions, persecution and judicial harassment of human rights defenders in Iran, including women’s rights defenders.
Monday 1 October 2018