Human Rights
I have witnessed two intifadas. Trump’s stance on Israel may ignite a third

The Guardian – The relish with which Donald Trump signed the declaration recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel left me with a sense of cold resignation at the obduracy of the man. He was almost […]
Monday 11 December 2017Armanshahr: 5th Yearly Edition of Human Rights Week in Kabul-Afghanistan

5th consecutive year, Armanshahr’s HR Week in Afghanistan: Literature’s role & responsibility in promoting HR culture, Simorgh Int. Peace Prize in Ideal City of Children, “Afghanistan; Unveiling a Never-Ending Tale”, a new documentary, Q & A: Afghanistan & ICC.
Thursday 7 December 2017The Muslim director who filmed neo-Nazis: ‘I thought – I’m not going to make it out’

Deeyah Khan had a simple question for her new documentary: ‘Is it possible for me to sit with my enemy and for them to sit with theirs’? She got an answer – but not without a few tricky moments …
Wednesday 6 December 2017Remembering women killed fighting for human rights in 2017

More than half of the women cited in AWID’s 2017 tribute to female activists were murdered for defending their rights.
Friday 1 December 2017Questions and Answers on Afghanistan and the International Criminal Court

Following an initial announcement published on 3 November 2017, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) submitted on 20 November 2017 her request to the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber III to open an investigation into the situation in Afghanistan.
Friday 24 November 2017New tools to raise awareness on the abolition of the death penalty in Africa

In Africa, more than 80% of countries have abolished the death penalty in law or in practice, with only 10 countries executing within the past decade, said FIDH and DITSHWANELO in their joint study,
Tuesday 21 November 2017Kashmir abuses: women searching for justice challenge state use of forensics

Thousands of young men have ‘disappeared’ in Kashmir and there have been numerous allegations of sexual assaults. But the fight for answers and justice continues.
Monday 13 November 2017The erroneous ‘cultural distinction’

Syrian writer Morris Ayek is critical of those who claim that when it comes to human rights, Islamic countries are “culturally distinct” from the rest of the world. In his opinion, this discourse directly contradicts the universality of Islamic values
Monday 13 November 2017“Happy End” – Michael Haneke’s satanic soap opera of pure sociopathy

Glacial comedy … Happy End. Photograph: Films Du Losange The Guardian – It hardly needs saying that the adjective in the title is about as accurate as the one in Haneke’s Funny Games. Happy […]
Thursday 2 November 2017Armanshahr Newsletter No. 209-210

New edition of Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Human Rights and Civil society Newsletter No. 209-210
Thursday 2 November 2017