Human Rights
‘The world is a horrible place to be a woman’: Brazilian writer launches sexual violence campaign

The Guardian Blogger and activist Clara Averbuck, who says she was sexually assaulted by an Uber driver in São Paulo, is using social media to take arms against abuse A Brazilian feminist writer and activist […]
Monday 18 September 2017Depoliticised and unsustainable: Why I Am Not a Feminist author argues that feminism has lost touch with its politically radical roots.

OPEN DEMOCRACY JANINE RICH From outraged memes online to slogan-bearing t-shirts on the streets, across the world more and more women are calling themselves feminists, and demanding change. But what would this change actually consist […]
Monday 21 August 2017How Afghan Rapper Sonita Alizadeh’s Song ‘Brides for Sale’ Changed Her Fate

Rolling Stone Advocating against the practice of forced marriage, this young woman uses music to spread her message 25 Under 25 Sonita Alizadeh got into rap music around the same time a lot of […]
Friday 11 August 2017Press Release Transitional Justice Coordination Group: Massacre of Civilians in Mirza Olang is a War Crime

Press Release Transitional Justice Coordination Group (TJCG) Massacre of Civilians in Mirza Olang is a War Crime 09 August 2017 Kabul, Afghanistan The massacre of civilians in the village of Mirza Olang, Sar-e Pul province […]
Friday 11 August 2017Peaceful Societies – Where Are They?
Human Wrongs Watch By Johan Galtung* 3 July 2017 – TRANSCEND Media Service – There are many of them–of different kinds–in world geography. We can try to identify the characteristics of their peacefulness. Johan Galtung Or we […]
Thursday 20 July 2017What Is ‘Femonationalism’?

Academic Sara Farris, author of In the name of women’s rights: the rise of femonationalism talks about the ‘instrumentalisation’ of migrant women in Europe by right-wing nationalists & neoliberals exploiting and mobilising issues of gender equality, particularly in campaigns against Muslims.
Thursday 20 July 2017Adilur Rahman Khan; Prominent human rights defender detained ahead of death penalty conference

The Observatory has been informed with great concern about the arbitrary arrest in Kuala Lumpur of Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, Secretary of the human rights non-governmental organisation Odhikar, also a member of OMCT General Assembly and FIDH Vice-President.
Thursday 20 July 2017INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE DAY 17 JULY What can you do?

War after war, we say never again. Enough is enough. 17 July – A day to unite for justice. International Justice Day unites all those who wish to support justice, promote victims’ rights, and help prevent crimes that threaten the peace, security and well-being of the world.
Wednesday 12 July 2017Nabeel Rajab sentenced to two years in jail

New informationBHR 006 / 0812 / OBS 048.29Sentencing / Arbitrary detention /Judicial harassmentBahrainJuly 10, 2017 The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a partnership of FIDH and the World Organisation Against Torture […]
Wednesday 12 July 2017Virginity Test: Tajik Bride Takes Own Life, Groom Faces Jail

By: Farangis Najibullah & Orzu Karim Source: RFERL Rajabbi Khurshed took a fatal dose of vinegar 40 days after her wedding to Zafar Pirov. Rajabbi Khurshed had no say in most of the misfortunes that […]
Wednesday 12 July 2017