Human Rights
Why ‘1984’ Is a 2017 Must-Read

The dystopia described in George Orwell’s nearly 70-year-old novel “1984” suddenly feels all too familiar. A world in which Big Brother (or maybe the National Security Agency) is always listening in, and high-tech devices can eavesdrop in people’s homes.
Friday 16 June 2017Culture of Impunity Must End for Justice to Prevail in Darfur, International Criminal Court Prosecutor Tells Security Council

Source: U.N Delegates Split on Handling of Sudan’s President, Other War Crimes Suspects The pervading toxic culture of impunity must be tackled in order for justice to prevail in Darfur, the International Criminal Court’s Prosecutor […]
Friday 16 June 2017ICC Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, publishes comprehensive Policy Paper on Case Selection and Prioritisation

Source: ICC The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or the “Court”), Fatou Bensouda, in 2016 , published a detailed policy document which provides guidance on how the Office of the Prosecutor exercises its […]
Friday 16 June 2017Is The ICC’s Alleged Negative Bias Towards African Countries Undermining Its Legitimacy?

Source: The Critique By Professor Jovana Davidovic (University of Iowa) September 13, 2016 This article is part of The Critique’s September/October 2016 Issue “The Bright Continent: Illuminating The Challenges, Opportunities & Promises Of A […]
Saturday 10 June 2017Nonviolence They Choose For Afghanistan

Source: Anita McKone (11 March 2011) Dedicated to the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers (now Afghan Peace Volunteers) LISTEN AND LEARN MORE HERE ON SOUNDCLOUD Lyrics: So many fathers are gone, lost to the fighting What can […]
Saturday 10 June 2017“New Models of Peacekeeping: Security and Protection of Human Rights. The Role of the UN and Regional Organization”

Source: ICC By Judge Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi President of the International Criminal Court Lectio magistralis at the Conference: CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY 12 May 2017 Rome, Italy Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, I would first like […]
Saturday 10 June 2017The Rites of the Child: Global Discourses of Youth and Reintegrating Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone

Source: Taylor and Francis Online Abstract This article describes how the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and other international child rights instruments are implicated in the postwar reintegration of child excombatants in […]
Saturday 10 June 2017Is the ICC biased against African countries ?

Source : Al Jazeera The International Criminal Court (ICC) was set up to prosecute war criminals and human rights violators, who proponents argue would otherwise go free. In recent months, however, African countries have threatened […]
Saturday 10 June 2017The International Criminal Court’s Africa problem

Source: Al Jazeera At the beginning of 2013, all cases launched so far by the ICC involve Africans, throwing into question the court’s “international” nature. African political leaders widely believe that the the International Criminal […]
Saturday 10 June 2017‘Will I ever get justice?’: Nepal accused of failing trafficking survivors

Source: The Guardian By Pete Pattisson Rights groups claim no one has received compensation since law entitling survivors of human trafficking was introduced a decade ago Rights groups in Nepal say they do not know of […]
Saturday 10 June 2017