Human Rights
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On Thursday evening a horrifying event took place in the heart of Afghanistan’s capital. Alongside the Kabul River that winds through the city centre, a mob of men viciously attacked a woman named Farkhunda.
Wednesday 25 March 2015NEW: March 2015 report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

The report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ahmed Shaheed. Submitted in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 25/24 to the 28th session of the UN Human Rights Council in March 2015.
Sunday 15 March 2015IRAN: Immediately release journalist detained for over seven months on undisclosed charges
Source: PEN International RAPID ACTION NETWORK 11 March 2015 RAN 06/15 IRAN: Immediately release journalist detained for over seven months on undisclosed charges. PEN International is calling for the immediate and unconditional release of Washington Post correspondent […]
Thursday 12 March 2015Letter from the gallows in Iran: “I felt the shadow of execution over my head”
We rarely hear a first-hand account of those languishing on death row in Iran. But a letter has just emerged from Hamed Ahmadi, a man executed on Wednesday 4 March after a grossly unfair trial.
Sunday 8 March 2015Impunity and Silence: The meagre reaction to the latest HRW report
Source: AAN Author: Thomas Ruttig Date: 4 March 2015 Human rights abuses in Afghanistan no longer make big waves outside the really concerned circles. Yesterday (on 3 March 2015), Human Rights Watch released a hard-hitting piece of […]
Thursday 5 March 2015HRW Report – Afghanistan: Abusive Strongmen Escape Justice

Afghanistan’s new government should prosecute officials and commanders whose serious human rights abuses have long gone unpunished, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. US officials should press President Ashraf Ghani to take up justice for past abuses as a top priority during Ghani’s expected March 2015 visit to Washington, DC.
Thursday 5 March 2015Indonesia : Stop executions, reinstate moratorium, and make progress towards abolishing capital punishment

We, the undersigned organizations, condemn in the strongest possible terms your decision to deny clemency to 10 individuals who are scheduled to be executed by firing squad in the coming days in Nusakambangan prison in Central Java.
Wednesday 4 March 2015Jailed Iranian artist on hunger strike

Iranian prisoner of conscience and painter, Atena Farghadani, has been on a hunger strike, protesting her detention, since 9 February and is now critically ill.
Monday 2 March 2015Human rights idealism a hard sell in Afghanistan

Two reports were released on Wednesday reprimanding Afghanistan on its state of human rights. The United Nations Assistance Mission to Afghanistan’s (UNAMA) annual report on torture in detention, states that one-third of the 790 conflict-related detainees interviewed have been tortured or otherwise mistreated.
Sunday 1 March 2015Climate change impacts enjoyment of human rights
A group of human rights and climate change experts discussed how human rights should be a part of any approach to take effective action to mitigate climate change.
Wednesday 25 February 2015