Human Rights
Amnesty International Report: Global crisis on torture exposed by new worldwide campaign

Source: Amnesty International Amnesty International has accused governments around the world of betraying their commitments to stamp out torture, three decades after the ground-breaking Convention Against Torture was adopted by the UN in 1984. “Governments […]
Thursday 15 May 2014The UN Security Council must refer Syria to the ICC

Source: FIDH Paris, 13 May 2014 – The UN Security Council is discussing a resolution proposed by France to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court (ICC). A vote on the resolution […]
Wednesday 14 May 2014IRAN: International Workers’ Day: Release all trade unionists arbitrarily detained in the country

Source: FIDH Paris-Geneva, April 30, 2014 – On the eve of May 1, 2014, International Workers’ Day, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, an FIDH-OMCT joint programme, is drawing attention to the […]
Thursday 1 May 2014Business and Human Rights: FIDH Calls on the International Community to Enhance Standards and Ensure Redress

This paper is based on five case studies, in Cambodia, Brazil, Libya, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The assessment of the effect of corporate activities on the human rights of individuals and communities in these five locations identified shortcomings in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), significant difficulties arising with their implementation, and protection gaps which need to be closed.
Wednesday 12 March 2014PRESS RELEASE – THE OBSERVATORY IRAN: Harassment and arbitrary detention of human rights defenders continue

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, an FIDH-OMCT joint programme, deplores the continued harassment and arbitrary detention of human rights defenders in Iran.
Monday 10 March 2014FIDH & Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Statement “Afghanistan: Women’s rights are non-negotiable”

On the eve of International Women’s Day and less than one month before presidential elections, FIDH and its member organisation in Afghanistan, Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA urge the national authorities to ensure full and direct participation of women in a free and fair election process and call on the presidential candidates to make the promotion and safeguard of women’s rights and their legal protection their priority.
Thursday 6 March 2014Report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan in 2013

The human rights situation in Afghanistan continues to face serious challenges, with the 2014 elections and scheduled conclusion of security transition creating an environment of uncertainty, including for human rights. Many Afghans, especially women, fear that achievements made in the protection and promotion of human rights since 2001 will be increasingly at risk.
Monday 3 March 2014Peace Watch Committee Afghanistan (PWC): Corruption and torture delay and jeopardize the peace process.

The government Fact-Finding Commission assigned in connection with the UAMA report on torture and ill treatment of prisoners by Afghan security officials, once again, highlighted massive torture, degrading and inhuman treatment of the prisoners
Thursday 20 February 2014Afghanistan’s Bagram jail holds dark truths

Source: Khaleej Times 14 February 2014 BBC’s Yalda Hakim was recently given unprecedented access to Afghanistan’s Bagram jail. She describes what she saw. It is not often that you are given access to a maximum-security […]
Saturday 15 February 2014FIDH Position note: Failed Promises in Bahrain: Human Rights Violations Linger On

Cairo, Paris, 13 February 2014 – On the occasion of the third anniversary of the popular uprising that started on February 14, 2011, FIDH urges the Bahraini authorities to take immediate measures to restore the […]
Thursday 13 February 2014