Human Rights
Armanshahr Human rights and civil society periodical, Issues 33-34, August 2013 published

Armanshahr Human rights and civil society periodical, Issues 31-32, August 2013 published. Special issue on 7 years of Public GOFTEGU debates
Saturday 24 August 2013Gender in Afghanistan: pragmatic activism

Deniz Kandiyoti 2 November 2009 War and mismanagement have produced a breakdown of trust, decency and reciprocity in Afghan society. Gender activism needs to be understood in that context, and not be tempted by […]
Thursday 22 August 2013Karzai: a legacy of failure on Afghan women’s rights?

Dr. Massouda Jalal With more fundamentalists predicted to win seats in the forthcoming election, the future is likely to see once again the use of religion as an instrument of extreme gender based oppression […]
Thursday 22 August 2013Central Asian Migrants Describe Beatings, Ill-Treatment In Russian Market ‘Zachistki’

By Daisy Sindelar, Umid Bobomatov, Torokul Doorov, Normahmad Kholov and Ganjina Ganjova Khusanjon, a 44-year-old labor migrant from Uzbekistan, was expecting a busy Sunday at the Khovansky construction market in southwest Moscow. Instead, he and […]
Wednesday 21 August 2013Tajikistan receives Russia’s note in FACEBOOK
Written by Vasilina Brazhko The Times of Central Asia DUSHANBE (TCA) ¬– Russian diplomats found “forces ready to endanger the safety of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Dushanbe.” They have announced this due […]
Wednesday 21 August 2013A Stable Afghanistan? Training Soldiers is Not Enough

Western governments look like they are turning their back on Afghanistan after a decade of aid and assistance but this is a dangerous approach, as history shows.
Sunday 18 August 2013After Guantánamo, Another Injustice

The New York Times By JOHN GRISHAM* ABOUT two months ago I learned that some of my books had been banned at Guantánamo Bay. Apparently detainees were requesting them, and their lawyers were delivering them […]
Sunday 18 August 2013118-119th Goftegu Public Debate, Armanshahr’s Celebration: 118 Goftegus and 100,000 published books – Report

Mr Rooholamin Amini (Deputy director of Armanshahr Foundation), moderator of Armanshahr’s 118th Goftegu public debate that was held on 3 July 2013, presented a report on the activities of Armanshahr in the past seven years as follows.
Saturday 17 August 2013118-119th Goftegu Public Debate: Assessing Seven years of a cultural initiative; Public Debates &100,000 Books Published – Invitation

Armanshahr, in collaboration with the Institut français d’Afghanistan (IFA), invites you to the 118th (Year VII) GOFTEGU public debate to celebrate Seven years of perseverance to institutionalise the culture of dialogue and reading.
Saturday 17 August 2013118-119th Goftegu Public Debate: Seven years of Armanshahr books and Goftegu Public Debates in Afghanistan

Jawad Darwaziyan: 118th public debate – Goftegu, a bridge between the elite and the citizens – was held in the hall of French Institute Afghanistan (FIA) on 3 July 2013 to mark 7 years of Armanshahr Foundation’s (AF) operation in Afghanistan.
Saturday 17 August 2013