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Is the ICC biased against African countries ?

Source : Al Jazeera The International Criminal Court (ICC) was set up to prosecute war criminals and human rights violators, who proponents argue would otherwise go free. In recent months, however, African countries have threatened […]

Saturday 10 June 2017

The International Criminal Court’s Africa problem

Source: Al Jazeera At the beginning of 2013, all cases launched so far by the ICC involve Africans, throwing into question the court’s “international” nature. African political leaders widely believe that the the International Criminal […]

Saturday 10 June 2017

‘Will I ever get justice?’: Nepal accused of failing trafficking survivors

Source: The Guardian By Pete Pattisson Rights groups claim no one has received compensation since law entitling survivors of human trafficking was introduced a decade ago Rights groups in Nepal say they do not know of […]

Saturday 10 June 2017

Nepalese women trafficked to Syria and forced to work as maids

Source: The Guardian By Pete Pattisson While millions are fleeing the brutal conflict in Syria, hundreds of Nepalese women are being trafficked to the war-torn country and forced to work as domestic maids. The women, who […]

Saturday 10 June 2017

They fled Afghanistan fearing for their lives but Europe forced them back

Source: Amnesty International By Anna Shea   The moment you step outside the airport in Kabul, the first thing that strikes you are the roses. They are everywhere — lining the dusty motorway into town, […]

Saturday 10 June 2017

“You Don’t Forget Your Torturers”: Wachira Waheire’s 30-Year Quest for Justice in Kenya

Source: ICTJ Wachira Waheire strode into Nairobi’s Sankara Hotel, made his way to the café attached to its lobby and scanned the room carefully. He was meeting someone he had not seen in 20 years, […]

Saturday 10 June 2017


Source: The New Yorker By George Packer President Ashraf Ghani is an expert on failed states. Can he save his country from collapse? Ashraf Ghani, the President of Afghanistan, wakes up before five every morning […]

Saturday 10 June 2017

New issue of Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER, Special Afghanistan, nos. 204-205 (Year VIII)

Read New issue of Armanshahr HR & Civil Society bilingual weekly NEWSLETTER, Special Afghanistan, nos. 204-205 (Year VIII), 7 JUNE 2017

Saturday 10 June 2017

ICTJ Examines How Transitional Justice Must Adapt to Difficult Circumstances in Today’s World

A new book by ICTJ titled Justice Mosaics: How Context Shapes Transitional Justice in Fractured Societies, examines the challenges of responding to massive human rights violations in different and difficult circumstances.

Friday 9 June 2017

The scars of 1967 through the eyes of an Arab millennial

Source: TRT World Young Ahmed is raised with his father’s scarring memories of the Six-Day War only to grow up and face his own socio-political trauma. Achment Gonim is of Egyptian descent, raised in Greece […]

Friday 9 June 2017