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United Nations Basic Principles and Guidelines on the right of anyone deprived of their liberty to bring proceedings before a court

The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 20/16, in which the Council requested the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to present to the Council before the end of 2015 Basic Principles and Guidelines on the right of anyone deprived of his or her liberty by arrest or detention to bring proceedings before a court in order that the court may decide without delay on the lawfulness of his or her detention and order his or her release if the detention is not lawful.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Facing up to our shadow side with compassion

In 1995 my mother went into full blown psychosis as a result of a drastic change in the medication she was taking for schizo-affective disorder. She lured some of our friends and neighbors into our home and took the youngest, a toddler, into the basement bedroom.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

The Bomb to End All Bombings – If Only

When history looks back to this era, this will be a day to recall — that is if our lines to our future continue as now, without a sudden nuclear holocaust in between.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Gender-based persecution on the International Criminal Court’s radar

IntLawGrrls JANUARY 6, 2017 / ROSEMARY GREY Sexual and gender-based crimes were high on the ICC’s agenda in 2016 – a trend which looks set to continue this year. In March 2016, the Court handed down its first conviction […]

Saturday 15 April 2017


 The Justice Hub By Benjamin Duerr* The ICC Dictionary is a guide for everyone interested in the proceedings in The Hague. It contains almost 200 of the most important terms and concepts with short explanations in […]

Saturday 15 April 2017


We have witnessed progressive developments regarding the judicial investigation and prosecution of crimes of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), assumed that it exclusively concerns women & girls. But no!

Saturday 15 April 2017

Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes

International Criminal Court Policy Paper on June 2014 Table of Contents Use of Key Terms Executive Summary I. Introduction II. General Policy III. The Regulatory Framework (a) The Statute (i) Article 6 — Genocide (ii) […]

Saturday 15 April 2017

NEW ISSUE Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER No.198

NEW ISSUE Armanshahr HR & Civil Society NEWSLETTER No.198

Saturday 15 April 2017

Afghan activists urge progress in ICC war crimes probe

AFP Afghan human rights groups urged the International Criminal Court on Wednesday to speed up a war crimes probe in their country, as they prepared to meet the tribunal’s chief prosecutor. “We are hoping that […]

Friday 14 April 2017

Human rights groups call for the opening of an ICC investigation into the situation in Afghanistan

(Kabul, New York, The Hague) Ten years after the opening of a preliminary examination on Afghanistan by the International Criminal Court (ICC) Office of the Prosecutor into the international crimes committed since May 2003, FIDH and its member organisations OPEN ASIA / Armanshahr and Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), as well as the Afghanistan Transitional Justice Coordination Group (TJCG) call upon the ICC Prosecutor to request the opening of a full investigation into the situation in Afghanistan.

Friday 14 April 2017