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Climate change impacts enjoyment of human rights

A group of human rights and climate change experts discussed how human rights should be a part of any approach to take effective action to mitigate climate change.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

2014 FIDH Comic Strip Report

Source: FIDH

Wednesday 25 February 2015

UN report documents human rights violations of increasingly sectarian nature

A UN report released Monday documents widespread human rights violations of an increasingly sectarian nature in Iraq, as well as a deterioration of the rule of law in large parts of the country.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

New institute formed to strengthen Afghan civil society

Afghan civil society gained momentum on Tuesday with the formation of a national, independent organization designed to promote high standards among civil society institutions through a comprehensive certification process.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Children and Transitional Justice

During ten years of civil war, from 1991 to 2002, the children of Sierra Leone were deliberately and routinely targeted, and witnessed widespread and systematic acts of violence and abuse.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Why elections fail and what we can do about it

In many countries, polling day ends with disputes about ballot-box fraud, corruption, and flawed registers. Which claims are legitimate? And which are false complaints from sore losers?

Sunday 22 February 2015

Through a New Lens: A Child-Sensitive Approach to Transitional Justice

This report examines how and to what extent transitional justice approaches have engaged children and considered their needs and perspectives, analyzing the experience of truth-seeking mechanisms, criminal justice, reparations, and institutional reform.

Sunday 22 February 2015

UN calls for halt to planned execution of juvenile offender

The United Nations Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ahmed Shaheed, and on extrajudicial executions, Christof Heyns, today publicly urged the Islamic Republic of Iran to immediately halt the execution of Saman Naseem

Thursday 19 February 2015

Afghanistan’s Team of Rivals

It was subtle, but telling: One of the immediate consequences of the new Afghan president taking office was that everyone around him turned into a note taker. Members of the powerful political elite, accustomed to 13 years of casual politics characterized by grand postures and long-winded speeches, all scribble in Ashraf Ghani’s presence.

Thursday 19 February 2015

The Human Cost of the Afghan War: UN reports sharp rise in the killed and injured

Evidence – if more was needed – of the intensification of the Afghan war has come in the United Nations’ annual report on civilian casualties. 25 per cent more civilians were killed in the conflict in 2014 than in 2013, almost all Afghans by Afghans.

Thursday 19 February 2015