New Book
Women’s Charters and Declarations: Building Another World

The development of women’s charters, manifestos and declarations serve as a demand for change and improvement in the status and lives of women; they are an articulation of the need for gender justice.
Monday 16 June 2014NEW ARMANSHAHR PUBLICATION: Nowruznameh of Omar Khayyam

Nowruznameh – epistle of Nowruz – the writing of which is attributed to Omar Khayyam, the celebrated Persian-speaking poet, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher, has been published in Afghanistan based on the text corrected by Mojtaba Minovi.
Thursday 20 March 2014Repairing the Past? Series on Transitional Justice

Countries emerging from long periods of authoritarian rule must often confront a legacy of gross human rights abuses perpetrated over many years.
Monday 24 February 2014Afghanistan’s Transition in the Making: Perceptions and Policy Strategies of Women Parliamentarians, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Afghanistan

After more than a decade of an international intervention and close to the proclaimed second post-2014 transition phase, women’s political participation remains precarious and volatile in Afghanistan despite inroads made.
Monday 3 February 2014Farîd-ud-Dîn’Attâr – The Canticle of the Birds, Illustrated through Persian and Eastern Islamic Art

The Canticle of the Birds, a masterpiece of Persian literature written in the twelfth century, The is the poetic expression of a universal initiatory quest, that for Love, Truth and Unity.
Friday 24 January 2014The Uncertain Legacy of Crisis

The European Union is mired in the worst crisis it has seen for many decades. And the crisis does not stop at Europe’s edge. It threatens to undercut the EU’s ambitions to develop a coherent and active foreign policy.
Thursday 23 January 2014Seven Years and One Hundred and One Armanshahr Public Debates GOFTEGU

See the colorful Album of Seven Years and One Hundred and One Armanshahr Public Debates
Tuesday 9 July 2013Transitions politiques et droits humains : expériences et défis

Ce Forum prend place dans le cadre du Congrès international de la FIDH, un événement majeur qui réunit tous les trois ans des défenseurs des droits humains issus de ses 164 organisations membres ainsi que d’autres partenaires venus du monde entier.
Thursday 16 May 2013