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Iran: Open letter to President Hassan Rouhani: Stop the persecution of HRDs

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a partnership of FIDH and the World Organisation Against Torture is writing to you to express its deepest concern over the ongoing wave of arbitrary arrests, prosecutions, persecution and judicial harassment of human rights defenders in Iran, including women’s rights defenders.

Monday 1 October 2018

The Last 2 Sikhs in the Taliban’s Heartland

The Diplomat – A religious minority that has weathered many episodes of Afghanistan’s turbulent history may soon disappear. LASHKAR GAH, HELMAND, AFGHANISTAN – Like many other Afghans, Satnam Singh rides on a bicycle to work in […]

Thursday 27 September 2018

Violence against asylum seeker and refugee women in France

This study, conducted by F,rance terre d’Asile, has established a typology of the violence women residing in France may face.

Thursday 20 September 2018


TECH FOR GOOD + In the first of  Tech for Good + Gender-Based Violence articles, an interview with ElsaMarie D’Silva, founder and managing director of Safecity, a non-profit organisation providing an online platform and grassroots […]

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Women Make Peace Stick

FP: As the mothers’ van headed deep into Tamil Tiger territory, it was suddenly encircled by young boys in sarongs with automatic weapons. But the five women inside it had sent missives ahead through the […]

Monday 3 September 2018

It is time to teach colonial history in British schools

Growing up in Britain, I knew nothing of the many crimes the British Empire had committed against my Iraqi ancestors.

Monday 3 September 2018

The exploitation of Mayan women’s art is a story of racism, sexism – and global capitalism

Mayan women’s bodies, labour and knowledge have been exploited for centuries. This is an old story, with a neoliberal twist.

Sunday 2 September 2018

Women’s bodies have become a battleground in the fight for Iran’s future

A regressive law to boost the population has restricted the reproductive choices and rights of all Iranian women. Though some suffer more than others.

Sunday 2 September 2018

OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr among 127 Rights groups call for immediate release of Nabeel Rajab after UN group calls his detention arbitrary and discriminatory

OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr among 127 Rights groups call for immediate release of Nabeel Rajab after UN group (WGAD) calls his detention arbitrary and discriminatory.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

‘We are real’: Saudi feminists launch online radio

Saudi feminists launch online radio. Operating out of a small room in an unknown country, a new internet radio station broadcasts a programme aimed at campaigning for greater women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.

Wednesday 29 August 2018