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Dadaab Stories; a large collection of stories and films by refugees in Kenya

Dadaab Stories is a multimedia platform containing a large collection of stories and films from Dadaab Refugee camp in Kenya, mostly Somali refugees.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

REPORT: Gender equality & male engagement; It only works if everyone plays

ICRW GENDER EQUITY & MALE ENGAGEMENT (REPORT) It only works if everyone plays   Meaningful engagement with men and boys is increasingly recognized as critical to gender equality and equity, necessary not only for women’s […]

Monday 27 August 2018

Sakhalin: “On the Edge”, a festival at the end of the world

The 8th edition of Sakhalin, in Russia “On the edge” film festival, takes place from 24 to 31 August in a very remote island. 40Braids’ exclusive interview with Alexei Medvedev, artistic director of the festival.

Friday 24 August 2018

First Comes Love, Then Comes What Exactly?

Two new books — “Leftover in China” and “The Heart Is a Shifting Sea” — look to China and India, respectively, to assess how marriage withstands breakneck economic growth, social change and the increasing financial independence of women.

Thursday 23 August 2018

Pourquoi Tachkent entre à nouveau dans le jeu afghan ?

NOVASTAN  Novastan reprend et traduit un article initialement publié par le média kazakh en ligne, 365info.kz. Le 12 août dernier, une délégation des Talibans est venue discuter à Tachkent sur l’invitation des autorités ouzbèkes. Un évènement […]

Thursday 23 August 2018

Film tracks first Afghan woman to seek justice over incest

Reuters – NEW DELHI, June 18 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Beaten up, raped and repeatedly impregnated by her father for more than a decade – a young woman’s fight for justice in the face of threats, oppression […]

Thursday 23 August 2018

Bangladesh: Rohingya rape survivors battle stigma

 In a community that considers victims of sexual violence a disgrace, women are left alone to suffer.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Why Women Matter

Natural disasters, projected in many climate models to increase in frequency and intensity, reveal the complex relationship between gender and climate. In general, natural disasters exacerbate existing inequalities and disproportionately affect women: more women are killed than men

Thursday 19 July 2018

The Rome Statute at Twenty : 10 Challenges for an Effective and Independent International Criminal Court

Prior to the anniversary day of the adoption of the founding treaty of the International Criminal Court (ICC), the first of its kind, FIDH issues a briefing note which addresses 10 challenges to an effective and independent international court.

Thursday 19 July 2018

Interview: The Future of International Justice Amid Boundless Cruelty

Human Rights Watch – The ICC, the world’s only permanent international court designed to try war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide, marks the 20th anniversary of its founding treaty on July 17, 2018. The court […]

Wednesday 18 July 2018