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Children of Stones

Human Wrongs Watch – FOR GOD’S SAKE, are they crazy? Photo: Daily Mail They congregate in the marketplace, boys of 15, 16 years, take stones and throw them at our soldiers, who are armed to the teeth. The […]

Monday 25 December 2017

Speaking Up

UN WOMEN – Rodica Carpenco from Moldova endured years of domestic violence in her marriages. Trying to cope with the mistreatment that also affected her children, she turned to alcohol. The only person who stepped […]

Friday 22 December 2017

Tunisia seven years after the Arab Spring: Facing an uncertain future

Qantara – The Tunisian revolution, considered the catalyst for the movement that became known as the Arab Spring, began seven years ago. Today, Tunisia is still struggling to achieve democratic reform and economic growth. By Sarah Mersch […]

Friday 22 December 2017

War widows in Afghanistan pay a heavy price for their husbands’ sacrifice

Widowed Afghan grandmother Janat Bibi has no adult males left in her family after the Taliban killed her son and two grandsons during an attack on their police base a few months ago.

Monday 18 December 2017

Sarmangsak Legendary Documentary Shown In Kabul

Tolonews – A documentary film, entitled Sarmangsak Legendary, was put on show in Kabul university on Monday. The film has 11 characters who are writers, artists and government employees and who have answered questions on different […]

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Executive Director’s blog series: Sexual violence in conflict

Sexual violence against women and girls in conflict-affected countries is being used as a tactic of war, with devastating consequences for women across the globe.

Monday 11 December 2017

I have witnessed two intifadas. Trump’s stance on Israel may ignite a third

The Guardian – The relish with which Donald Trump signed the declaration recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel left me with a sense of cold resignation at the obduracy of the man. He was almost […]

Monday 11 December 2017

Armanshahr: 5th Yearly Edition of Human Rights Week in Kabul-Afghanistan

5th consecutive year, Armanshahr’s HR Week in Afghanistan: Literature’s role & responsibility in promoting HR culture, Simorgh Int. Peace Prize in Ideal City of Children, “Afghanistan; Unveiling a Never-Ending Tale”, a new documentary, Q & A: Afghanistan & ICC.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Human Rights and Civil society Newsletter No. 212-213

You can have access to our latest Newsletter No. 212-213 here. We invite you to subscribe and receive it directly in your inbox every two weeks.

Thursday 7 December 2017

The Muslim director who filmed neo-Nazis: ‘I thought – I’m not going to make it out’

Deeyah Khan had a simple question for her new documentary: ‘Is it possible for me to sit with my enemy and for them to sit with theirs’? She got an answer – but not without a few tricky moments …

Wednesday 6 December 2017