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The key to change

Occasionally periods of social regression and progressive developments occur simultaneously. After all, among the many catastrophic reports emerging from the Arab world there are also a few glimmers of hope – for women.

Sunday 3 December 2017

Using religion to stop religious wars

Qantara – In Germany, refugees from Syria, Iraq and Yemen may end up living next door to compatriots who were on the other side in the civil war. How can those who have fled their homeland also […]

Sunday 3 December 2017

Remembering women killed fighting for human rights in 2017

More than half of the women cited in AWID’s 2017 tribute to female activists were murdered for defending their rights.

Friday 1 December 2017

On Day of the Imprisoned Writer, PEN calls on governments around the world to stop silencing writers

Writers are increasingly targeted and silenced by their governments as the climate for freedom of expression continues to deteriorate globally, PEN International said today, marking its annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Interview: Finally, Justice for Victims in Afghanistan?

Human Rights Watch – The International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor has announced that she is asking for permission to open an investigation into possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan. If the court’s […]

Monday 27 November 2017

Violence against women: the most common but least punished

Every year on the 25th of November, the whole world is outraged at violence against women. One day, over 365 days in which women suffer relentlessly all forms of assault, rape, murder perpetrated in their vast majority by men and most often with complete impunity.

Saturday 25 November 2017

Questions and Answers on Afghanistan and the International Criminal Court

Following an initial announcement published on 3 November 2017, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) submitted on 20 November 2017 her request to the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber III to open an investigation into the situation in Afghanistan.

Friday 24 November 2017

Egyptian film controversy: Shams buys a man

Egypt is in uproar over a film: a single woman marries solely in order to have a baby via a sperm donor and then gets divorced.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

New tools to raise awareness on the abolition of the death penalty in Africa

In Africa, more than 80% of countries have abolished the death penalty in law or in practice, with only 10 countries executing within the past decade, said FIDH and DITSHWANELO in their joint study,

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Human Rights and Civil society Newsletter No. 211

New edition of Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Human Rights and Civil society Newsletter No. 211

Thursday 16 November 2017