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“Dance and Paint” On sideline of Human Rights Week

One of the programmes that Armanshahr organised in the Human Rights Week was a Painting and Miniature Exhibition of the works of Marzia Nazari with the title of “Dance and Paint.”

Thursday 17 December 2015

4th Simorgh Peace Prize & 19th anniversary of Armanshahr’s establishment

The statutes of 4th Simorgh International Peace Prize were awarded on Human Rights Day (10th December 2015) in the context of the Human Rights Week and simultaneously with the 19th anniversary of Armanshahr’s establishment.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Peace is not possible without women

The 154th Goftegu – Dialogue – meeting of Armanshahr Foundation/OPEN ASIA was held at the European Union Delegation premises in Kabul on 10 December 2015

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Armanshahr – “Human Rights Week” in pictures

Armanshahr – “Human Rights Week” in pictures

Tuesday 15 December 2015

What does transitional justice mean to people of Afghanistan?

The second day of Human Rights Week started on 8 December 2015 at the EU Delegation premises. The topic of discussion was “What does transitional justice mean to people of Afghanistan? From good will to will power and action to build peace on national level.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

A revisiting of strategies & a new plan to protect peace and women’s rights in wartime

The 152nd Goftegu – Dialogue – meeting of Armanshahr Foundation/OPEN ASIA was held at the European Union Delegation premises in Kabul on 7 December 2015, in collaboration with and with the support of the EU, the French Embassy, the French Institute Afghanistan, UN Women in Afghanistan, and the Swiss Cooperation Office Afghanistan.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Press release; 4th International Simorgh Peace Prize awards

Armanshahr Foundation/OPEN ASIA announced the recipients of the 4th International Simorgh Peace Prize awards on the 57th Human Rights Day during the “Human Rights Week” (7-10 December 2015) in Kabul.

Thursday 10 December 2015

4th International Simorgh Peace Prize Awardees – 2015

This 4th round, women who are true protectors of peace in three countries located at the heart of Asia – Afghanistan, Iran and Tajikistan – were recipients of the awards; women who despise war-mongering and stand up to it by their civic and sustained initiatives; innovative women who resist the despotic and war-afflicted world and give us hope to continue the struggle to change the unjust relations and serve equality.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Women, Peace, and Security in Afghanistan

It’s been 15 years since the UN passed UNSCR 1325. How has Women, Peace, and Security policy changed in Afghanistan and the Congo since then?
Oct. 31, 2000, was a landmark day in the fight for women’s rights. The United Nations Security Council adopted UNSCR 1325 recognizing the disproportionate impact that war and conflicts have on women and children. It was soon followed by six additional resolutions (1820, 1888, 1889, 1960, 2106, and 2122) ensuring full and equal participation of women in post-conflict reconstruction, peace, and security. But ironically, as this landmark resolution celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, experts say that it is far from achieving its goals and has failed in adequate implementation.

Friday 30 October 2015

politicisation of high school students in Afghanistan

On 7th October, 2015, AREU hosted media outlets in Kabul to launch a new report on politicisation of high school students in Afghanistan. AREU researchers Dr. Antonio Giustozzi and Ali Mohammad Ali presented the main findings of the paper titled: “Reaching Boiling Point: High School Activism in Afghanistan” to the media.

Wednesday 28 October 2015