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Research for a Better Afghanistan: High School Activism in Afghanistan

There is widespread political activism, including an extensive presence of radical activists among high school students in Afghanistan, a new AREU study says. This is despite a government ban on political activism in high schools, which in itself can be argued that is a relic of an authoritarian era.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Civilians Trapped in Kunduz ConflictNeed Urgent Protection

Parties to the armed conflict must ensure civilians are protected from harm. National and international human rights groups should investigate alleged violations of International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Detailed Brochure of the Festival

Detailed Brochure of the Festival

Tuesday 20 October 2015

3rd International Women’s Film Festival 2015 Awardees

From 300 films that the Festival had received, a total of 66 films reached the second stage and screened during the Festival days in Herat. The competition sections comprised 13 films from Afghanistan and 21 international films. A total of 9 awards were granted by the Int. Jury.

Friday 16 October 2015

Herat has no cinema but an International Women’s Film Festival- 2015 Report

Herat has no cinema but an International Women’s Film Festival. A report on the Third edition of the succesfull Afghanistan Women’s Film Festival held by Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA and Roya Film House in October 2015.

Friday 16 October 2015

And the Winners of the 3rd International Film Festival women are:

Awards winners of the 3rd edition of the International Women’s Film festival-Herat were announced on October 13, 2015 at the closing Ceremony. The international, jury after a three-day review of 66 films selected for screening this year rewarded 13 films and actors.

Friday 16 October 2015

Kunduz airstrike: an independent investigation must be opened

Our organizations strongly condemn the airstrike by U.S. forces on a Medecins sans Frontières (MSF) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan this Saturday, which killed at least 12 staff members and 10 patients, and injured scores more with death tolls expected to rise. FIDH echoes the calls by MSF for an independent investigation into the attack as a potential war crime, and in the absence of a swift and genuine investigation, urges the International Criminal Court (ICC) to consider this act as part of its ongoing preliminary examination into the situation in Afghanistan, to hold those responsible for violations of international humanitarian law accountable.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

“Ongoing war crimes, crimes against humanity and the culture of impunity in the country are of grave concern.”

Press Release Transitional Justice Coordination Group (TJCG) Press Release Concerning War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Kunduz 4 October 2015 Kabul, Afghanistan The fall of Kunduz to the Taliban has created a humanitarian crisis […]

Sunday 4 October 2015

Announcing the formation of a Global Alliance of Women

We, the undersigned, are gathering to form an independent alliance of women-led civil society actors and organizations working to prevent and counter all forms of extremism. Our purpose is to bring synergy and greater coherence to our existing collective efforts, to advance gendered understandings of and responses to extremism, and to collaborate strategically in providing clear alternatives that bring a just peace for all.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Call for nominations to the 4th Simorgh International Peace Prize

We are publishing the call for the 4th Simorgh International Peace Prize, while flames of war are engulfing the world and countless humans are taking to the sea to flee the demon of war, to seek a shelter and achieve relative calm from fear for food and their lives.

Monday 21 September 2015