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Farkhunda Zahra Naderi: “A culture of war is not the Afghan culture”

At just 32 years of age, Farkhunda Zahra Naderi is a Member of the Afghan Parliament, elected to represent Kabul.

Monday 10 March 2014

Seddiq Barmak: “I couldn’t speak up, I couldn’t breathe”

Seddiq Barmak fell in love with the world of cinema when he saw his first film, ‘Lawrence of Arabia’, at Kabul theatre at a tender 5 years of age. His film, ‘Osama’, was the first movie filmed in Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban in 2001, and won the Golden Globe award in 2004.

Friday 7 March 2014

FIDH & Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Statement “Afghanistan: Women’s rights are non-negotiable”

On the eve of International Women’s Day and less than one month before presidential elections, FIDH and its member organisation in Afghanistan, Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA urge the national authorities to ensure full and direct participation of women in a free and fair election process and call on the presidential candidates to make the promotion and safeguard of women’s rights and their legal protection their priority.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Najiba Ayubi: “You do realise that you are a woman?”

Najiba Ayubi is a journalist and activist for human rights and freedom of the press. She is the Director of the Killid Group, a non-profit Afghan media network encompassing press, radio, and online outlets with a national reach. Ayubi left Afghanistan with her family when the Taliban seized Kabul in 1996.

Thursday 6 March 2014

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! The second round of the International Women’s Film Festival – Herat has been postponed to spring 2014!

The second round of the International Women’s Film Festival – Herat has been postponed to spring 2014!!! The secretariat of the Women’s Film Festival informs all participants that due to security reasons and the upcoming presidential elections in April 2014, the International Film Festival will be held this spring.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Ahmad Shah Behzad: “Open minds are the key to a safe, sustainable future”

Ahmad Shah Behzad is a Member of Parliament from Herat province. He was forced to migrate to Iran during the war and stayed there until the fall of the Taliban. Upon his return to Afghanistan with his family, he started working as a journalist for Radio Azadi.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Roya Sadat: “She even changed her name to Sohrab, a boy’s name”

Roya Sadat was one of the first female filmmakers to emerge after the fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. She studied law and political science at Herat University but her real passion was in film.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Transition and Non-Government Organizations in Afghanistan: An Assessment and Prospects

In mid 2013 BAAG, with ENNA (the European Network of NGOs in Afghanistan), committed to raising the concerns and recommendations of their various members on this important subject of Transition. They commissioned Kabul-based research agency APPRO to conduct a survey, and today we are pleased to launch the findings of that work.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan in 2013

The human rights situation in Afghanistan continues to face serious challenges, with the 2014 elections and scheduled conclusion of security transition creating an environment of uncertainty, including for human rights. Many Afghans, especially women, fear that achievements made in the protection and promotion of human rights since 2001 will be increasingly at risk.

Monday 3 March 2014

Abdullah Ahmadi: “They seek their human rights, as humans and citizens”

Abdullah Ahmadi is a human rights activist. He is the Program Director of the Cooperation Centre for Afghanistan, a human rights and conflict resolution organization where he has worked for the past 10 years.

Monday 3 March 2014