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Herat Women’s Film Fest Seeks to Bring ‘Change’

Afghan Zar Riza By Syed Zafar Mehdi  The second edition of Herat International Women’s Film Festival to be held in March 20014 seeks to provide platform to young filmmakers and change societal attitude towards women […]

Saturday 4 January 2014

Civil Society urges Afghan government to stop looting of mineral resources

Members of the Natural Resources Monitoring Network urged the Afghan government to take strong measures against individuals and companies involved in illegal mining. Thousands of tons of minerals such as coal, chromite, and a variety […]

Monday 23 December 2013

Entries are now being accepted for the 2nd International Women’s Film Festival-Herat

Entries are now being accepted for the 2nd International Women’s Film Festival – Herat. Call on new or established filmmakers from anywhere in the world for a one-week festival held in March 2014 to commemorate International Women’s Day.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

131st Goftegu Public Debate: the challenges linked to access to justice for Afghan citizen under the age 18 and classical music performance – Last day of Human Rights week

On December the 11th 2013, the last day of Celebration Week of Human Rights day (7-11 Dec 2013), Armanshahr Foundation and the Institut français d’Afghanistan (IFA) in Kabul jointly held a round table entitled: Challenges linked to access to justice for Afghan citizens under the age of 18.

Friday 13 December 2013

130th Goftegu Public Debate: Roundtable discussion on Transitional Justice – 4th day of Human Rights week – Report and Photo Gallery

On December the 10th 2013, fourth day of Celebration Week of Human Rights day (7-11 Dec 2013), Armanshahr Foundation and the Institut français d’Afghanistan (IFA) in Kabul jointly held a round table entitled “Custody policies and the respect for human rights: how to put an end to impunity?

Friday 13 December 2013

129th Goftegu Public Debate: The fight against corruption and its impact on respect for Human Rights

On December 9th 2013, the third day of celebration Week for Human Rights Day, Armanshahr Foundation and the Institut français d’Afghanistan (IFA) in Kabul jointly held a round table on ‘the Fight against Corruption and […]

Friday 13 December 2013

More than 500 of the world’s most famous writers sign petition calling for end to ‘mass surveillance’ of NSA spying program

Global group of prominent writers have joined forces to speak out about widespread surveillance including NSA scandal, described as an attack on ‘basic pillar of democracy’.

Thursday 12 December 2013

129th Goftegu Public Debate: The fight against corruption and its impact on respect for Human Rights and Rap concert – 3rd day of Human Rights Week – Photo Gallery

On Monday December 9th, 2013, on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, the third round table of Celebration Week for  Human rights day (7-11 December 2013) organised by Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA and the Institut français d’Afghanistan […]

Wednesday 11 December 2013

128th Goftegu Public Debate: Women’s political participation & preservation of achievements, Human Rights Week – Report

Sima Samar, Head of AIHRC: the greatest achievement of the post-Taliban decade is the emergence of a new State system in Afghanistan.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

128th Goftegu Public Debate: Women’s political participation & preservation of achievements, Human Rights Week – Photo Gallery

128th Goftegu Public Debate: Women’s political participation & preservation of achievements, Human Rights Week – Photo Report

Wednesday 11 December 2013