Human Rights and Democracy
197th Dialogue : “Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: A Glossary from A to Z”: in the wake of decades of struggle against anti-women violence

197th Dialogue “Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: A Glossary from A to Z”: in the wake of decades of struggle against anti-women violence A report on the conference launching Words Matter Campaign: 61 words, 61 […]
Wednesday 31 March 2021BRIEF on 24 years of OPEN ASIA | Armanshahr supporting women’s rights

OPEN ASIA | Armanshahr was established as an independent organisation 24 years ago. This organisation has concentrated its human rights work mainly on countering war and militarism, promoting justice, defending victims, combating systematic violence against […]
Wednesday 29 January 2020TAJIKISTAN: How human rights defenders are being squeezed out

The report Their last stand? How human rights defenders are being squeezed out inTajikistan, published by the World Organisation Against Torture and FIDH,outlines how the authorities have increasingly restricted the legal space to provide assistance to victims of human rights violations & torture.
Tuesday 2 July 2019HRW Submission on Tajikistan to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

Violence against women remains pervasive today in Tajik society. Survivors of domestic violence told Human Rights Watch harrowing stories of the worst kinds of abuse, including sadistic violence committed by perpetrators, all across the country across every socioeconomic category.
Tuesday 23 October 2018Virginity Test: Tajik Bride Takes Own Life, Groom Faces Jail

By: Farangis Najibullah & Orzu Karim Source: RFERL Rajabbi Khurshed took a fatal dose of vinegar 40 days after her wedding to Zafar Pirov. Rajabbi Khurshed had no say in most of the misfortunes that […]
Wednesday 12 July 2017Reporters face 70 years in prison over anti-Trump march

Source: Aljazeera Newsby: Patrick Strickland@P_Strickland Reporters face 70 years in prison over anti-Trump march Two journalists are among more than 200 people facing felony charges after mass arrests at Inauguration Day rally. Even when heavily armed […]
Tuesday 20 June 2017If we did not protest, no one would punish those men”: A brutal murder, a sham trial, and justice denied in Kabul
After the killing of Farakhunda, women marched to the Afghan Supreme Court. Now, “We only feel secure in our homes” Elizabeth Schaeffer Brown and Jason Brooks Brown On March 19, 2015, 27-year-old female Islamic studies […]
Sunday 23 August 2015Opening speech of Armanshahr Foundation’s Deputy Director Rooholamin Amini, Human Rights Week in Kabul, Afghanistan, December 2014

Humans were born from wisdom and, thanks to wisdom, they began dialogue and opened the gate to understanding. Wisdom has an origin in whose name I shall begin my words. On the occasion of the […]
Tuesday 9 December 2014Tajikistan: Crackdown on opposition ahead of presidential elections
Umeddzhon Tojiev, an activist from one of Tajikistan’s major opposition parties allegedly threw himself out of the third floor window of a police station following interrogation. He had been arrested for ’insubordination to police officers’.
Wednesday 6 November 2013Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women takes up situation in Cambodia, Tajikistan and Seychelles with NGOs
REPORT: from UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women this afternoon met with representatives of non-governmental organizations to hear information on the situation of women in […]
Tuesday 15 October 2013