Presenting the Mobile Film Festival in framework of Human Rights Week 2020

Mobile Film Festival Open Asia – Armanshahr Foundation is pleased to bring to your attention in the framework of its Human Rights Week (8th edition) the 2020 Mobile Film Festival, focusing this year on […]
Tuesday 24 November 2020The War On Afghan Women

Watch Video As the Taliban and US negotiate a peace deal, Afghan women fear their rights and freedoms will be traded for stability. “If they captured us, they’d kill us.” Laila Haidari drives a car, […]
Saturday 31 August 2019Director of ‘Unpatriotic’ Movie Says Russia Not Ready for Truth About War in Afghanistan

As the country prepares for its annual Victory Day parade, a movie on the Soviet war in Afghanistan is raising uncomfortable questions.
Wednesday 15 May 2019The world’s 10 most dangerous countries for women

Thomson Reuters Foundation experts’ survey found the 10 most dangerous countries for women
Saturday 10 November 2018Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Human Rights & Civil Society Newsletter 228-229

READ Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Human Rights & Civil Society Newsletter 228-229
Thursday 20 September 2018Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Human Rights & Civil Society Newsletter 226-227

READ Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Human Rights & Civil Society Newsletter 226-227
Thursday 20 September 2018Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Human Rights & Civil Society Newsletter 224-225

Read Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Human Rights & Civil Society Newsletter 224-225
Thursday 20 September 2018First Comes Love, Then Comes What Exactly?

Two new books — “Leftover in China” and “The Heart Is a Shifting Sea” — look to China and India, respectively, to assess how marriage withstands breakneck economic growth, social change and the increasing financial independence of women.
Thursday 23 August 2018“America destroyed my country”

Qantara – Fifteen years ago, on 20 March 2003, the United States and its allies invaded Iraq. Iraqi novelist and poet Sinan Antoon describes the pain of watching his country disintegrate in the aftermath, made all […]
Wednesday 4 April 2018The Woman Behind International Women’s Day Was a Refugee and a Socialist

“The woman question,” she wrote, “is nothing more or less than a question of human rights. That the emancipation of woman means in reality the emancipation of the human being within her.’”
Monday 12 March 2018