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Wahida Samadi: “The Taliban will never really change”

Wahida Samadi is the Director of Tahmina Organisation, promoting women’s rightsand a member of the Provincial Development Governance Committee. She is a committed civil society activist.

Thursday، 8 May، 2014

Dr Saheb-Nazar Moradi: “We must unite against the extremists to defend the achievements of the past 10 years”

Saheb-Nazar Moradi is an urban development specialist and former member of the planning committee of Kabul Municipality. He has a Ph.D. in urban engineering and history. He was internally displaced and ultimately left the country in exile for many years.

Wednesday، 7 May، 2014

Mahbuba Jamshidi: “It would be a tragedy for women to lose their legal status and rights in this political game”

Mahbuba Jamshidi was selected as the Director of the Women’s Affairs Department in Herat province in 2012. She has studied Miniature Painting at the Fine Arts School of the University of Herat. She is also the director of the National Gallery.

Tuesday، 6 May، 2014

New Chapter for Afghan Publishing: Booksellers report brisk trade as appetite for reading grows in country’s east.

Five years ago, the shops on the ground floor of the Eshaqzai Market in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad were full of video recorders, CDs and DVDs. Now, instead of films and computer games, the shops are crammed with shelves of books, with students searching through them.

Monday، 5 May، 2014

Legal opinion on the “defence of honour” when honour crimes are committed against women

Source: Feminijtidad      

Monday، 5 May، 2014

Aziz Deldar: “My greatest fear is a day when I may not be able to express what I think”

Aziz Deldar is a professor at the Fine Arts School of Kabul University. He is also a filmmaker and actor.

Monday، 5 May، 2014

Sonia Iqbal: “We have not planned for economic recession, but it is sitting on our doorstep”

Sonia Iqbal is the executive director and a shareholder of PAHNA Group (a Kabul-based communications and management firm) as well as the president of Afghanistan 1400 Party, a civic-political youth organisation.

Friday، 2 May، 2014

Bakht Mohammad Bakhtiar: “We will return to the dark days of the past if we are not careful”

Bakht Mohammad Bakhtiar is the Director of the Social Sciences Centre of Afghanistan. He studied for his master’s degree in law in Kiev under the Soviet rule and became a member of the Academy of Sciences.

Thursday، 1 May، 2014

Peaceful Protest against the passing of the weak draft of mineral law by the Wolusi Jirga

Source: Heinrich Boll Stiftung The Wolusi Jirga of Afghanistan is about to vote on the mineral law of the country inside parliament, while Afghan civil society specially the Natural Resources Monitoring Network (NRMN) has been […]

Wednesday، 30 April، 2014

Hasina Safi: “One new phenomenon is the men who believe in women and their power”

Hasina Safi is the Director of the Afghan Women’s Network, an organization of women boasting 5,000 members and 65 member organizations. Safi was featured in the 2011 documentary about the role of women in the war and post-conflict process in Afghanistan.

Wednesday، 30 April، 2014