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FIDH – Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA Joint press release: Launch of the Campaign “Unveiling Afghanistan”

Kabul, Paris, 28 January 2014. FIDH – International Federation for Human Rights – Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA; Joint press release. Launch of the Campaign “Unveiling Afghanistan: The Unheard Voices of Progress”

Wednesday، 29 January، 2014

Humaira Qaderi: “When are you going to burn yourself?”

Dr Humaira Qaderi is a writer and women’s rights activist. She was a teenager during the years of the Taliban, when girls were forbidden from going to school and libraries were closed.

Wednesday، 29 January، 2014

133rd Goftegu Public Debate (Year VIII) – Invitation

Public debate/Goftegu 140 (Year VIII). We are honored to invite you to the opening ceremony of the 100-day Unveiling Afghanistan Campaign. Monday 3 February 2014 Time: 14:00, Debate in Dari, French Institute of Afghanistan.

Monday، 27 January، 2014

Women’s rights in Afghanistan worsen in 2013: report

NBC KABUL – Women’s rights in Afghanistan have regressed in the past year, increasing worry about what the future holds, according to a Human Rights Watch report released Thursday. As the country faces a large-scale troop withdrawal […]

Friday، 24 January، 2014

Afghanistan in 2013: A Survey

Asia Foundation On December 11, 2013, The Asia Foundation, in partnership with the United States Institute of Peace, presented the findings of the 2013 Survey of the Afghan People. With the presidential election and the […]

Friday، 24 January، 2014

UN Security Council: Consultations on Conflict Prevention in Central Asia

Source: What’s in Blue (Insights on the work of the UN Security Council) The 21st of January 2014, Council members are expected to receive a briefing in consultations from Miroslav Jenča, the Special Representative of […]

Thursday، 23 January، 2014

EU Council conclusions on Afghanistan January 2014

FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting Brussels, 20 January 2014 1.”2014 is a critical year for Afghanistan in which all Afghans should have the opportunity to participate in making the fundamental decisions that will determine the immediate […]

Tuesday، 21 January، 2014

Meet Afghanistan’s first female police chief: Mother-of-five Jamila Bayaz

By Jamieson Lesko, Producer, NBC News KABUL — Afghanistan has appointed a 50-year-old mother-of-five as its first female police chief. Col. Jamila Bayaz said her appointment was a sign of progress in the violence-ravaged country. […]

Thursday، 16 January، 2014

Letter to the EU Commissioner for Development Piebalgs on women’s rights in Afghanistan

Dear Commissioner Piebalgs,
We are writing to urge you to ensure that women’s rights are a top priority in the new programming of EU development cooperation to Afghanistan for the period 2014-2020. This is a crucial time for the European Union to show its political and financial support to Afghan women and girls.

Wednesday، 15 January، 2014

Afghan children are ‘rented’ out to beggars

By Kreshma Fakhri Begging on the street has spawned a vicious practice: beggar mafia are renting children in Kabul, and drugging them with opium to ply their trade. Afghan cities are seeing Pakistani beggars in […]

Tuesday، 7 January، 2014