Afghanistan Civil Society
The state of the enabling environment for CSOs in Afghanistan

Civil society organizations (CSOs) are key actors in development, whose efforts complement those of the government, private sector, and donors. CSOs play an important role in country development by bringing attention to issues such as […]
Tuesday، 31 October، 2017New institute formed to strengthen Afghan civil society

Afghan civil society gained momentum on Tuesday with the formation of a national, independent organization designed to promote high standards among civil society institutions through a comprehensive certification process.
Wednesday، 25 February، 201546th Goftegu Public Debate: The London Conference in absence of Afghanistan’s Civil Society?

“The London Conference in absence of Afghanistan’s Civil Society?” was the title of the 46th Goftegu (4th year) public debate, a bridge between the elite and the citizens, of Armanshahr Foundation that was held in the hall of Culture and Civil Society Foundation in Kabul on Wednesday, 17 February 2010.
Thursday، 25 July، 2013